Milestone debuts multi-year sale of Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum collection Oct. 28

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WILLOUGHBY, Ohio — From 1994 until 2022, Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum delighted untold thousands of visitors with acres of show barns filled with vintage toys, automotives, motorcycles, and so much more.

But all legends have a beginning and an end, and so too does Elmer’s. After his passing in 2019 at the age of 79, the children of Elmer Duellman have decided to return the collection back to the market, with more than 20,000 pieces to be sold in a series of events beginning Saturday, October 28 at Milestone Auctions.

“It’s impossible to describe how comprehensive Elmer’s collection is. He had a head start on all of us,” said Miles King, co-owner of Milestone Auctions. “As far back as the 1980s, Elmer was buying and selling at a rapid pace and had a small army of pickers from coast to coast who were always on the lookout for items of interest.”

Milestone has rolled out key pieces for the first of the Elmer Duellman auctions. A Buddy L truck made exclusively for International Harvester dealers was produced in very low numbers. The example in the sale is in excellent condition and has an estimate of $3,000-$5,000.

Described as possibly the nicest of all the surviving sets of its type is a Tonka #210 Road Builders set in new-old stock condition. The six-piece set is estimated at $6,000-$10,000.

Duellman’s collection includes a large number of Japanese tin-lithographed toys from the postwar period. An Alps Lincoln Futura in excellent condition with its original box carries an estimate of $2,500-$3,500.

Pure Oil was founded in 1914 and continues today as a dealer cooperative in the southern United States. Likely created as a promotional item for dealers, this Metalcraft battery-powered airmail aircraft toy decorated for Pure Oil is completely original, has retained its box, and is rated by Milestone’s experts as the nicest example they have seen. It is estimated at $2,000-$3,000.

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Buddy L international red baby express truck, estimated at $3,000-$5,000 at Milestone Auctions.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’179856′ video=’https://’ mobile_image=” fallback_link=’https://’ title=” video_ratio=’16:9′ custom_title_size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” custom_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” heading_tag=” heading_class=” link_apply=’image’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-lnj4gsyq’ sc_version=’1.0′]
Tonka #210 Road Builders set, estimated at $6,000-$10,000 at Milestone Auctions.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’179858′ video=’https://’ mobile_image=” fallback_link=’https://’ title=” video_ratio=’16:9′ custom_title_size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” custom_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” heading_tag=” heading_class=” link_apply=’image’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-lnj4hoid’ sc_version=’1.0′]
Alps Lincoln Futura, estimated at $2,500-$3,500 at Milestone Auctions.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’179855′ video=’https://’ mobile_image=” fallback_link=’https://’ title=” video_ratio=’16:9′ custom_title_size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” custom_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” heading_tag=” heading_class=” link_apply=’image’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-lnj4ij4t’ sc_version=’1.0′]
Metalcraft Pure Oil airmail airplane, estimated at $2,000-$3,000 at Milestone Auctions.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’179857′ video=’https://’ mobile_image=” fallback_link=’https://’ title=” video_ratio=’16:9′ custom_title_size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” custom_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” heading_tag=” heading_class=” link_apply=’image’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-lnj4jqmu’ sc_version=’1.0′]
I.Y. Condor motorcycle, estimated at $2,000-$4,000 at Milestone Auctions.

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Robots and space toys dominated high-end array at Milestone auction

Masudaya (Japan) 15in battery-operated Target Robot from the famed Gang of Five series. All original toy with correct dart gun and two darts. Accompanied by original box. Sold for $34,440 against an estimate of $20,000-$25,000

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – Many hundreds of absentee bids were already on the books by the time Milestone Auctions’ co-owner and principal auctioneer Miles King stepped up to the podium to officially open the Ohio company’s May 27 Spring Premier Toy Auction. The 835-lot event, which featured virtually every popular category in the antique-toy realm, was on many a collector’s radar and had been closely monitored online, especially after word got out about a stellar collection of rare Japanese robots and space toys featured in the sale.

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Huge collection of rare robots, superheroes leads Milestone’s May 27 auction

Yone/Yonezawa (Japan) 12in battery-operated 8 Man remote-control Thunderbird car. All original and complete with retractable roof and steerable remote control. Sensational graphics on toy and original box (some restoration). Estimate $3,000-$5,000
Fantastic Nomura (Japan) battery-operated Walking Batman. All original, complete, and appears never to have been played with. All functions in working order when tested. Clean original box with great graphics of Batman, Robin and Batmobile. Estimate $6,000-$8,000
Fantastic Nomura (Japan) battery-operated Walking Batman. All original, complete, and appears never to have been played with. All functions in working order when tested. Clean original box with great graphics of Batman, Robin and Batmobile. Estimate $6,000-$8,000

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – Today, many nations and private companies are engaged in the Space Race, but there’s no contest as to who the winner is when it comes to space toys. Japan has been the clear and unchallenged leader in the manufacture of robots and space toys since the end of World War II. The imaginative designs of Masudaya, Yonezawa, Nomura and scores of other Japanese firms of the 1950s-1970s are revered by collectors who love the toys’ fanciful looks and quirky actions, not to mention the wild artwork on their boxes. Milestone Auctions, the home of great toy collections, will offer a treasure trove of sought-after robots, space toys and dozens of other types of vintage playthings at their big May 27th Spring Premier Toy Sale. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Frank Finney basset hound carving was top dog at Jeffrey S. Evans sale

Frank Finney carved and painted basset hound, $6,600
Frank Finney carved and painted basset hound, $6,600
Frank Finney carved and painted basset hound, $6,600

MT. CRAWFORD, Va. – The Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates March 2-4 Winter Americana Auction was a much-anticipated event that produced strong prices – along with a few surprises – in multiple categories. The three-day sale presented nearly 1,600 lots of diverse material that generated robust levels of participation. Bidding was intense throughout each day, with nearly 2,000 bidders participating in house, on the phones and online.

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Diamond Planet Robot performed like a gem at Milestone

Original Yonezawa (Japan) 10in tin windup Diamond Planet Robot, rare variation with blue body and red arms, 100% original, with high-quality repro box. Sold within estimate for $33,210. Image courtesy of Milestone Auctions
Original Yonezawa (Japan) 10in tin windup Diamond Planet Robot, rare variation with blue body and red arms, 100% original, with high-quality repro box. Sold within estimate for $33,210. Image courtesy of Milestone Auctions
Original Yonezawa (Japan) 10in tin windup Diamond Planet Robot, rare variation with blue body and red arms, 100% original, with high-quality repro box. Sold within estimate for $33,210. Courtesy Milestone Auctions

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – Nearly 880 lots of high-quality antique and vintage toys crossed the auction block at Milestone’s December 10 Winter Toy Extravaganza, chalking up $750,000 and making many collectors’ Christmas dreams come true.

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Milestone beats Santa to the punch with Dec. 10 antique toy auction

Original Yonezawa (Japan) tin windup Diamond Planet Robot, rare variation with blue body and red arms. At 10in high, Diamond Planet is the largest windup robot ever produced. 100% original robot comes with high-quality repro box. Estimate $30,000-$50,000

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – Every antique toy collector dreams of finding something rare and exotic under the Christmas tree, and sometimes those dreams come true. But there is an alternative that offers much better odds. Those who don’t want to risk receiving a clip-on tie or box of stale chocolates can find and bid on hundreds of rare and beautiful toys in Milestone Auctions’ December 10 Winter Toy Extravaganza. The suburban Cleveland company may be known for selling every type of high-end collectible from antique firearms to vintage petroliana, but toys are special to the Milestone crew. It’s one of the categories upon which their brand was founded, and its following amongst collectors is rock solid.

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Antique pedals cars took the lead at Milestone’s $500K toy auction

American National Deluxe Coupe pedal car, luxury version with opening doors, sliding windows, interior upholstery and curtains. Length: 68 inches. Sold for $66,000 against an estimate of $20,000-$40,000

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – Milestone Auctions gave collectors what they wanted on September 24th, rolling out a diverse offering of antique and vintage toys from the Mark Smith collection along with high-quality additions from several other consignors. The 755-lot sale was active from start to finish, with many international bidders taking part. After a long but rewarding day at the podium, auctioneer and company co-founder Miles King closed the books at $505,200 (inclusive of buyer’s premium).

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Antique toys are on a roll at Milestone Auctions, with a fresh offering on Sept. 24

Kingsbury pressed-steel clockwork wrecker truck, 13in long, all original, very hard-to-find toy. Excellent condition. Estimate $1,000-$1,500

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – If anyone wondered whether new collectors were still entering the antique toy hobby or not, they got their answer last spring when Milestone Auctions closed the books on their headline-making Antique Toy Spectacular. Toy fans worldwide are still buzzing about the Popeye and Olive Oyl Tank that brought a record $105,000 at that sale. On September 24, Milestone will roll out a fresh offering of outstanding vintage toys from the Mark Smith Collection, with high-quality additions from other consignors.

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All aboard for Stephenson’s summer toys and trains auction, July 17

1950s Marx sheet metal Coca-Cola stakebed delivery truck in red and yellow, 20in long. Coca-Cola decals on both sides say ‘Take some home Today.’ Est. $120-$250. Image courtesy of Stephenson’s Auction
1930s Lionel standard-gauge steam engine #385 with #384-T tender. G to VG condition. Est. $250-$500. Image courtesy of Stephenson’s Auction
1930s Lionel standard-gauge steam engine #385 with #384-T tender. G to VG condition. Est. $250-$500. Image courtesy of Stephenson’s Auction

SOUTHAMPTON, Pa. – On Sunday, July 17, Stephenson’s Auctioneers will conduct the 2022 edition of its popular Summer Trains & Toys Auction, featuring antique and vintage items from collections and estates through the Mid-Atlantic region. The sale will take place at the company’s spacious Bucks County gallery, with bidding available live online through LiveAuctioneers.

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Milestone’s April 9 auction features prized collection of rare Popeye toys

Linemar Japan battery-operated Popeye and Olive Oyl Tank, 11 inches, with extremely rare original box. Very clean and bright, by far the finest example known. Excellent/Near Mint. Estimate $30,000-$40,000

WILLOUGHBY, Ohio – That swaggering, wisecracking cartoon sailor Popeye has been depicted on countless toys and memorabilia since first appearing in the Thimble Theatre comic strip in 1929. With his spinach-powered superhuman strength, he was an immediate hit with readers of all ages, gaining an even higher level of visibility in his own cartoon series that launched in 1933. Ever since his debut, Popeye – with his girlfriend Olive Oyl and their motley crew of sidekicks in tow – has been an entertaining figure in the public’s consciousness, and vintage toys designed with Popeye’s image have only continued to rise in popularity and price.

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