Offer a smooth buying experience with LiveAuctioneers’ integrated shipping services
As online auctions attract thousands of new online bidders each day, demand for a smooth shipping experience has never been greater.
Our LiveShipping solution provides a transparent and reliable shipping experience, helping auction houses attract and retain more bidders, ultimately maximizing auction results.
Bidders choose LiveShipping
at Checkout
Successful deliveries
with LiveShipping
All LiveShipping items
are insured
Grow your business with a hassle-free shipping solution for auctions
Transparent shipping quotes
Our on-page shipping calculator provides bidders with immediate quotes without driving them away from your item
Dedicated bidder support
All bidder shipping inquiries receive personalized one-on-one support fielded by our team
Real-time shipping updates
Bidders are notified of their shipping progress throughout the delivery process
A seamless experience that keeps bidders coming back
No hidden fees or shipping policies you or your bidders have to keep up with
Simplify your auction shipping operations
• Headache-free – every shipment is fully insured
• Get your time back – one less administrative task to complete
• No more back and forth communication with bidders, leave the shipping updates to us
• Cost savings – reduce your operational overhead, you no longer need to pack and ship in-house
• Reduction in shipping inquiries – our dedicated support team addresses your customers shipping needs
• Shipments are fulfilled once invoices are paid, no more lots sitting and waiting to be shipped
Trusted by Auction House Partners
“With a growing bidder base, shipping has become a time consuming day-to-day task for our business. LiveShipping helped me reduce the time my auction house spent fulfilling orders. I relied on the shipping experts to provide the seamless delivery experience I wanted my bidders to have.
My bidders have even requested LiveShipping because of the convenience the service provides; bidders no longer have to self-arrange shipping or rely directly on us. From the moment a bidder is presented with a shipping quote to the time their shipment arrives at their doorstep, LiveShipping handles every step of the operations. LiveShipping has allowed me to allocate the countless hours I would have spent on trying to fulfill orders, on managing my auction house instead.”
Joseph and Maureen Bodnar
Bodnar’s Auction, NJ