New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association offers 643 lots of Americana Nov. 2

Detail from 1850s cotton pineapple wreath quilt, estimated at $1,000-$1,500 at Jasper52.

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NEW YORK – On Thursday, November 2, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will present its next New Hampshire Antiques Dealers: Americana sale. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers. It features precisely 643 lots, and, as always, the lineup is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in folk art, Americana, and tramp art.

Choices include a 1961 horse racing trophy on a base of cherry or mahogany, and weighing 10 pounds; a circa-1900 folk art elephant pull toy, painted a cheery shade of yellow; a circa-1936 Shirley Temple doll, dressed as a Texas ranger; a brass top hat dating to the 1920s; and an original 1990 Looney Tunes cardboard display of eight Christmas-themed figures, still encased in plastic bubbles.

Needlework samplers are a staple of these auctions, and the form is ably represented this time by an 1826 silk-on-linen example by Louisa Ann Wright. Whoever wrote its lot notes clearly had fun with the task, judging by these lines they included: “Miss Wright wisely wrought a wealth of Wright family initials which will likely one day eliminate any confusion a bewildered overworked genealogist wizard may encounter by verifying which Wright woman in the right Wright genealogy is the right Wright woman which wrought this wonderful work so in the future this description can be rightly not weirdly written and we can stop worrying wether this wonderful sampler is unwittingly wrongly attributed to the wrong Wright woman.” The piece carries an estimate of $4,000-$5,000.

The work of Virginia-based carver Frank Finney appears fairly often in Jasper52 Americana sales, and the November 2 edition is no exception. An undated rendering of a ruffled grouse at life size, which, from at least one angle, seems to have a smile on its face, has an estimate of $5,000-$5,500.

Completing the highlights is a cotton circa-1850s pineapple wreath quilt, which the lot notes promise is ‘even more impressive in real life’. It measures 74 by 74in and is estimated at $1,000-$1,500.


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Jasper52 offers Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art, July 13

Detail of blue and white cotton sampler quilt dating to 1918, estimated at $1,200-$1,500
Blue and white cotton sampler quilt dating to 1918, estimated at $1,200-$1,500
Blue and white cotton sampler quilt dating to 1918, estimated at $1,200-$1,500

NEW YORK – On Thursday, July 13, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will conduct a sale of Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art. Of course, the auction, as with many before it, is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in tramp art, folk art and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 serves up Americana, folk art and outsider art, June 29

Circa-1825 Staffordshire hexagonal soup tureen, estimated at $3,000-$3,500
Circa-1825 Staffordshire hexagonal soup tureen, estimated at $3,000-$3,500
Circa-1825 Staffordshire hexagonal soup tureen, estimated at $3,000-$3,500

NEW YORK – On Thursday, June 29, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will present its next sale of Americana, Folk Art and Outsider Art. As always, the sale is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in Americana, tramp art and folk art. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 presents Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art, May 4

Circa-1850 all-cotton American Pot of Flowers quilt, estimated at $4,000-$5,000
Circa-1850 all-cotton American Pot of Flowers quilt, estimated at $4,000-$5,000
Circa-1850 all-cotton American Pot of Flowers quilt, estimated at $4,000-$5,000

NEW YORK – On Thursday, May 4, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will offer a sale of Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art. As always, the auction is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in tramp art, folk art and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 prepares Thanksgiving Americana feast, Nov. 24

20th-century American copper setter dog weathervane, estimated at $2,000-$2,500
20th-century American copper setter dog weathervane, estimated at $2,000-$2,500
20th-century American copper setter dog weathervane, estimated at $2,000-$2,500

NEW YORK – An exquisite Navajo rug, a charming mid-century American flag quilt, and an American copper setter dog-form weathervane will battle for top lot status at Jasper52’s Special Thanksgiving Americana Day 1 auction, which will be held on Thursday, November 24 – yes, Thanksgiving day – starting at 6 pm Eastern time. As is true for virtually every Americana auction offered through Jasper52, the sale is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in tramp art, folk art and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 musters treasures from NHADA, Oct. 27

Detail of circa 1910-1920 red, white, blue and orange eagle-motif quilt, estimated at $1,000-$1,500
Detail of circa 1910-1920 red, white, blue and orange eagle-motif quilt, estimated at $1,000-$1,500
Detail of circa 1910-1920 red, white, blue and orange eagle-motif quilt, estimated at $1,000-$1,500

NEW YORK – On Thursday, October 27, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will hold a sale titled New Hampshire Antiques Dealers: Americana, featuring 355 lots sourced from dealers who belong to the respected organization. As always, the auction is curated by Clifford Wallach, an expert in tramp art, folk art and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 to auction Americana, folk art and outsider art, Oct. 13

Detail of circa-1910 tulip applique quilt, estimated at $1,500-$2,000
Detail of circa-1910 tulip applique quilt, estimated at $1,500-$2,000
Detail of circa-1910 tulip applique quilt, estimated at $1,500-$2,000

NEW YORK – A circa-1839 New England needlework sampler, a Colina ceramic vessel, and a tulip applique quilt dating to circa 1910 will clamor for top lot status at Jasper52’s next Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art auction, which will be held on Thursday, October 13, starting at 6 pm Eastern time. As always, the sale is curated by the impeccable Clifford Wallach, an expert on tramp art, folk art and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Rafael Osona welcomes Nantucket’s summer season with July 2 sale

Joan Albaugh, ‘On the Horizon,’ est. $4,000-$5,000
Joan Albaugh, ‘On the Horizon,’ est. $4,000-$5,000
Joan Albaugh, ‘On the Horizon,’ est. $4,000-$5,000

NANTUCKET, Mass. – Rafael Osona Auctions will host its 42nd annual American Independence Holiday Auction on Saturday, July 2. Furnishings, fine art, antiques and decor from recently sold Nantucket estates together with compelling selections from Pawleys Island, Boston, Albany and Palm Springs lead the 625-lot sale, presenting both quality and range. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 delivers Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art, May 26

Circa-1920s cast iron doorstop of a wine merchant laden with bottles, est. $1,800-$2,000
Circa-1920s cast iron doorstop of a wine merchant laden with bottles, est. $1,800-$2,000
Circa-1920s cast iron doorstop of a put-upon wine merchant, est. $1,800-$2,000

NEW YORK – On Thursday, May 26, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will present a sale of Americana, Folk Art, and Outsider Art. Its 310 lots are, as always, curated by the unimpeachable Clifford Wallach, an expert in tramp art, folk art, and Americana. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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Jasper52 showcases Americana, Folk Art & Outsider Art Jan. 20

Circa-1850s princess feather quilt, est. $1,200-$1,500
Circa-1850s princess feather quilt, est. $1,200-$1,500
Circa-1850s princess feather quilt, est. $1,200-$1,500

NEW YORK – On Thursday, January 20, starting at 6 pm Eastern time, Jasper52 will conduct a sale of Americana, Folk Art and Outsider Art. It features more than 600 lots, curated with care, as always, by Clifford Wallach, a noted expert on tramp art, folk art and Americana. Selections include a pair of circa-1770 Dutch delft tobacco jars; an 18th-century New Hampshire School Chippendale cherrywood chest; a pair of mid-18th-century English brass candlesticks; a range of quilts, led by a circa-1850s princess feather quilt with a swag border; paintings and engravings; trade signs; daguerreotypes; an early 16th century alms dish, its bowl decorated with the image of an angel; folk art wood carvings; antique toys, many by Hubley; a Black Forest bear carving that functions as a whip holder; a circa-1900 tramp art box decorated with doves, hearts and horseshoes; needlework samplers, including an 1826 example from Philadelphia; alabaster stone fruits; an articulated felt rabbit doll; and an Art Nouveau Bohemian glass bowl decorated with cobalt and silver overlay. Absentee and Internet live bidding will be available through LiveAuctioneers.

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