2021DOYLE Auctioneers & AppraisersAttributed to James Sharples Portrait of Hannah IrwinSee Sold Price
2018Jeffrey S. Evans & AssociatesJAMES SHARPLES (BRITISH / AMERICAN, 1751-1811) PORTRAITSee Sold Price
2024Early American History Auctionsc 1899 SAMUEL ARLENT EDWARDS Signed, George Washington Mezzotint Print after James Sharples PaintingSee Sold Price
2024DuMouchellesAttributed to James Sharples (English American, 1750-11) Pastel on Paper H 9" W 7"See Sold Price
2024Early American History Auctionsc 1899 SAMUEL ARLENT EDWARDS Signed, George Washington Mezzotint Print after James Sharples PaintingSee Sold Price
2022Link Auction GalleriesManner of James Sharples, Sr., Pennsylvania, New York / England (1751/52-1811), Portrait of aSee Sold Price