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894 Online Auctions

Leslie Ann Butler "Le Pardessus Violet" Acrylic
Philippe Halsman "Marilyn Monroe" Silver PrintEero Saarinen Style Oval Tulip Table
An Indian Bronze Sculpture of Shiva Nataraja
Mamluk Revival Silver Inlaid Brass Islamic Globe PyxisRick Griffin and Alton Kelley,  Bill Graham Presents Bloom: The Who, Grateful Dead...

February Estate Auction

United StatesHillsborough, NC, US
Latin American School: Virgin of Bethlehem
English Transfer Printed Punch Bowl with a Design After the Portland VasePaul Lester Weiner Table and a Pair of Painted and Metal Stools

Thursday Morning at STAIR

United StatesHudson, NY, US
Giancarlo Begotti for Murano (Venice) Cobalt Crystal, Hand Decorated Globe of World
14k White Gold, Emerald & Diamond EarringsFrench Louis XV Style Hand Carved Walnut Breakfront with Marble Top 19th C.

February 2025: Day One

United StatesDetroit, MI, US
Drink Tested All Flavors Coca Cola Soda Tin Metal Sign
NOS Coca Cola Coke Take A Case Home Today Tin Metal Soda SignRoyal Crown Drink RC Cola Tin Metal Soda Sign