Vntg Tiffany Makers Sterling Silver Flask, 13 OztThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$50(5 bids)4 days Left
A Fabergé Silver and Guilloché Enamel Mounted Glass FlaskFreeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)$1,500(1 bid)3 days Left
Flask Decanter, Cut Glass, Signed J. Hoare Aztec Pattern According To Seller's NoteWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)$10(1 bid)Mar 08, 2025
EARLY AMERICAN NAILSEA GLASS FLASK W/COBALT RIM, C 1850EstateOfMind Auctions4.6(283)$25(1 bid)7 days Left
A blue and white and underglazed-red 'dragon' moon flask, Qing Dynasty or laterArete Art Limited4.3(9)£1,200Mar 05, 2025
Pocket Flask, Cut Glass, Hobstar, Strawberry Diamond And Fan MotifWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)$80(4 bids)Mar 08, 2025
Signed Vntg Hand Painted Asian Porc Flask VesselThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$20(3 bids)4 days Left
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED FLASKS, LOT OF TWO,opal with four groups of rose loopings, comprising one being an inverted teardop form, and the other a compressed cylindrical form with an applied metal hanging collar, rough pontil marks. United StatSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED LARGE FLASKFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED LARGE FLASK, colorless with four groups of opal loopings, flattened ovoid form with tooled mouth and rough pontil mark. United States or Europe. Second half 19th centSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED SUGAR BOWL AND COVERFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED SUGAR BOWL AND COVER, colorless with four groups of opal loopings, compressed globular-form bowl with flared galleried rim, raised on an applied disk-like foot with rSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED DECANTERFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED DECANTER, aquamarine with opal loopings, shouldered form with three applied neck rings, rough pontil mark. Probably Pittsburgh or South Jersey. Second half 19th centuSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP DECORATED WITCH BALLFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP DECORATED WITCH BALL, opaque white ground with black (later shading to lavender) and rose loopings, spherical form with a rough pontil opening. Probably New Jersey or PittsburgSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED PITCHERFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED PITCHER, colorless with opal decoration, ovoid form, applied colorless handle, applied circular foot, rough pontil mark. Probably Pittsburgh area. 1850-1870. 7" H. PrSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED POWDER HORN WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP DECORATED POWDER HORN WHIMSY, colorless with opal loopings and blue stripes, applied collared mouth, double upper-neck ring, and cupped base with knop extension bearing a polisSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP FLASKFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP FLASK, light green with opal loopings, compressed ovoid form, sheared mouth, rough pontil mark. Midwestern. Second half 19th century. 5 7/8" H. Provenance: From the collectionSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP DECORATED GLASS PEDESTALED VASEFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP DECORATED GLASS PEDESTALED VASE, colorless with opal loopings, tall ovoid form with three tooled neck rings, rolled-over mouth, raised on a columnar stem and circular foot, rouSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED FOOTED POWDER HORNFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED FOOTED POWDER HORN WHIMSY, colorless with four groups of opal loopings divided by rose stripes, applied collared mouth, double upper-neck ring, and cupped base, raiseSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSY, colorless with four groups of rose/ruby and opal loops, stem with smooth mouth and three-knop throat. United States or Europe. Second half 19th century.See Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED POWDER HORN WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-LOOP-DECORATED POWDER HORN WHIMSY, colorless with four groups of opal loopings, applied collared mouth, crude double upper-neck ring, and base with a knop extension bearing a roughSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED APOTHECARY / MEDICAL ARTICLES, LOT OF SIXASSORTED APOTHECARY / MEDICAL ARTICLES, LOT OF SIX, colorless and pale aquamarine, comprising a heavy blown mortar with rough pontil mark, a marbrie-loop decorated pestle, a free-blown ladle whimsy, tSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED WITCH BALLFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED WITCH BALL, colorless with four groups of cranberry/opal loops, rough pontil mark having a 1/2" D opening. Together with an alabaster/clambroth stand raised on a double-knSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED WITCH BALLFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED WITCH BALL, colorless with four groups of cranberry and opal loops, rough pontil mark having a 1/2" D opening. Together with an alabaster/clambroth stand raised on a doublSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED VASE AND WITCH BALLFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED VASE AND WITCH BALL, colorless with opal loopings, thistle-form vase with swirling loops, raised on a medial-knop stem and sloping foot with rough pontil mark, topped withSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED BELLOWS BOTTLE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED BELLOWS BOTTLE WHIMSY, colorless with six groups of blue and opal loops, body with applied rigaree decorations, collared sheared mouth, and two lower tab-like handles, rouSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, colorless, comprising a powder horn whimsy with opal loops and blue and red stripes, and a rolling pin with red and opal loops, horn with ground pontSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSY, opal with four groups of cranberry loops, four-knop throat, large bowl. United States or Europe. Second half 19th century. 16 1/2" L.Provenance: Anne Serra, CSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSY, colorless with opal and canary loops, applied opal ring to the mouth, three-bulb stem. Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. and others. Fourth quarter 19th century. 11See Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSY, colorless with four groups of rose/ruby and opal loops, stem with smooth mouth and three-knop throat. United States or Europe. Second half 19th century. 13 1/See Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSYFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE-DECORATED PIPE WHIMSY, colorless with four groups of opal loops, stem with tooled mouth and four-knop throat. Housed in a custom wooden case with hinged lid and fitted interior. UniSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP PITCHERFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP PITCHER, aquamarine with opal loopings, baluster form with an elongated spout, applied solid handle with three lower crimps and a curl, applied circular foot, rough pontil markSee Sold Price
SoldFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP GLASS NEAR PAIR OF VASES WITH MATCHING WITCH BALLSFREE-BLOWN MARBRIE LOOP GLASS NEAR PAIR OF VASES WITH MATCHING WITCH BALLS, colorless with opal loopings, bases being clamwater, each having a thistle-form bowl raised on a short compressed stem withSee Sold Price
Asian Japanese 1920s Arts and Crafts Pottery Hand Decorated Ceramic VaseJustArtPottery4.3(5)$150(1 bid)Feb 16, 2025
Paul Daschel Amphora Turn Teplitz Austrian Pottery Ceramic VaseJustArtPottery4.3(5)$160(5 bids)Feb 16, 2025
Rookwood 1901 Painted Matte Pottery Yellow Frog Z Line Jar Munson ValentienJustArtPottery4.3(5)$300(3 bids)Feb 16, 2025
Rookwood 1917 Vintage Art Pottery Green Glaze Ceramic Flower Bowl 1195 ToddJustArtPottery4.3(5)$100(1 bid)Feb 16, 2025
Weller Decorated Burntwood 1910s Vintage Art Pottery Green Lamassu Ceramic VaseJustArtPottery4.3(5)$100(1 bid)Feb 16, 2025
Giancarlo Begotti for Murano (Venice) Cobalt Crystal, Hand Decorated Globe of WorldDuMouchelles4.6(827)$1,5005 days Left
A Chinese Celadon Moulded 'Dragon' VaseCalifornia Asian Art Auction Gallery USA4.4(18)$1,600Feb 22, 2025
Pair Antique Staffordshire Pottery Paint Decorated Spaniel Dogs Mantle FigurinesArarity Auctions4.6(166)$30(2 bids)Feb 23, 2025
Adriano Dalla Valentina Signed Original Murano Hand Blown Glass SculptureOAB Auctions4.2(95)$7507 days Left
Continental Engraved Colorless Glass Flip GlassDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$100Feb 28, 2025
Austrian Enamelled Glass Sweetmeat Coupe, LobmeyrDevin Moisan Auctioneers, Inc.4.4(108)$200(3 bids)Mar 02, 2025