1940 SOVIET POSTER STALIN TOBIDZE COMMUNIST PROPAGANDAAntique Arena Inc.4.5(856)$20(2 bids)1 day Left
SoldANTI AMERICAN COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERAn anti American Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, depicting the Statue of Liberty, behind which is the shadow of the Ku Klux Klan with a rope, by K Georgiev. PrinteSee Sold Price
SoldANTI AMERICAN COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERAn anti-American and anti-Zionist Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, And He Is Not Listening To The U.N., depicting an Israeli solder sets off the weapons, by Fedor FSee Sold Price
SoldCOLD WAR SOVIET ERA PROPAGANDA LITHOGRAPH POSTERA Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, If you feed the chicks with fascist feathers, you will open the way to new crimes., from the Boevoi Karandash series, by Dmitry GSee Sold Price
SoldANTI COLONIAL COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERAn anti-colonial Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, Times Are Changing, depicting an African man lashing a foreign soldier with a whip. The inscription in Russian uppSee Sold Price
SoldCOLD WAR SOVIET ERA PROPAGANDA POSTER BY MENSHIKOVAn Anti American Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, Freedom, from the Boevoi Karandash series, by Vladimir Mikhailovich Menshikov, 1933 to 1994. Printed poem by D. ToSee Sold Price
SoldANTI AMERICAN COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERAn anti-American Cold War Russian Soviet era propaganda lithographic poster on paper, depicting the Jewish dancing in front of a capitalist for money. Inscription Serve! in Russian in the upper middleSee Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SOVIET V GALBA COLD WAR PROPAGANDA POSTER 1980A Russian Soviet era Cold War propaganda lithographic poster, 1980. The poster mocks dishonest tourists. Published by Boyevoy Karandash, RSFSR Artist publishing house, Design by Vladimir Galba, verseSee Sold Price
SoldWWII COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERSA lot of WWII and Cold War era Russian Soviet propaganda posters. The lot includes posters, Blitzkrieg and Fritzkrieg by Matvey Mazrukho; Blockade Leningrad; Stalingrad by Joseph Efimovsky; For Our SoSee Sold Price
SoldWWII COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERSA lot of WWII and Cold War era Russian Soviet propaganda posters. The lot includes posters, The Wehrmacht Had a Rich Eexperience of Wars by Nikolai Muratov; The Tale of the Russian Bogatyr Ivan and thSee Sold Price
SoldWWII COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERSA lot of WWII and Cold War era Russian Soviet propaganda posters. The lot includes posters, The Tamer of Tigers by Matvey Mazrukho; Terrible Red Star Wings by Boris Ivanov; The Fascist Bastard Ran IntSee Sold Price
SoldWWII COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERSA lot of WWII and Cold War era Russian Soviet propaganda posters. The lot includes posters, We Hurried to Astoria, And Got Into the History by Vladislav Kunnap; Sevastopol Stone by Matvey Mazrukho; BeSee Sold Price
SoldWWII COLD WAR RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTERSA lot of WWII and Cold War era Russian Soviet propaganda posters. The lot includes posters, To the East To the West by Matvey Mazrukho; Death to Fascists by Leonid Kaminsky; to Soviet Warrior Winner;See Sold Price
SoldCOLD WAR SOVIET ANTI CAPITALIST PROPAGANDA POSTERA 1977 Soviet propaganda poster. The print represents caricatures of capitalists enclosed in dollar sign composition. Titled Their Freedoms and Rights. Inscriptions in Russian: Hiding behind the falseSee Sold Price
Sold3 Russian Cold War propaganda posters.A group of three Soviet Russia, Cold War era propaganda posters. c.1966-1968. ++ Anti-American propaganda poster showing one half with a healthy flower on a yellow background and one half with the petSee Sold Price
SoldIn The Depth Of The Cold WarRussian Printed Propaganda Color Poster, 23” x35” anti-U.S. capitalism poster from Soviet Union. Jabs journalists, politicians, President Lyndon Johnson (as cowboy), American “pop” art, music,See Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA SOLDIER PRINTED POSTERA Russian Soviet propaganda lithographic poster glued to the material, From the Army to the Native Kolkhoz, 1979. Artist; G. Serebryakov. Published by Plakat, Poster, Moscow, 1979. One of 95 000. MarkSee Sold Price
Sold1970 RUSSIAN SOVIET ANTISEMITIC PROPAGANDA POSTERA Russian Soviet Antisemitic propaganda lithographic poster on paper, They Have One Profession Aggression, One of Their Practice is Duplicity, 1970, by Joseph Efimovsky, Russian, 1930 to 2019. PrintedSee Sold Price
Sold1971 RUSSIAN SOVIET ANTISEMITIC PROPAGANDA POSTERA Russian Soviet Antisemitic propaganda lithographic poster on paper, Only Feeling the Support Under Themselves, the Aggressors Decided to Robbery, 1971, by Joseph Efimovsky, Russian, 1930 to 2019. TiSee Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Poster No To War Nuclear Bomb USSROriginal vintage Cold War period Soviet anti-war propaganda poster - ??? ?????! No to War! - featuring powerful artwork by the Russian poster artist and illustrator Anatoly Braz (b. 1929) depicting aSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Soviet Original War Propaganda Poster 1919Original 1919 Russian / Soviet propaganda poster. This is rare original poster. The poster promotes the 1919 statewide charity action for the benefit of wounded Red Army soldiers, repeated in an extenSee Sold Price
SoldPropaganda Poster Cold War EU Europe Economy Abramov European Economic UnionOriginal vintage Soviet propaganda poster featuring an illustration of a pickup truck marked European Economic Union (European Economic Community EEC; 1958-1993/2009) driving over a bumpy terrain madeSee Sold Price
Sold1945 RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTER KARPOVSKYA mid century Russian Soviet military propaganda color poster print depicting a portrait of a Soviet Army soldier awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War. The inscription in Russian reads below: DSee Sold Price
SoldRussian soviet original war with Japan propaganda poster 1904Title: Russian soviet original war with Japan propaganda poster 1904 Description: Rare Original Russian propaganda poster of the Russo-Japanese War (1904 - 1905), with the following Cyrillic writing:See Sold Price
Sold1945 RUSSIAN SOVIET PROPAGANDA POSTER KARPOVSKYA mid century Russian Soviet military propaganda color poster print depicting a portrait of a Soviet Army soldier awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War. The inscription in Russian reads below: DSee Sold Price