Frontier Firearms: Collection of Larry Ness 2022-06-08 Auction - 244 Price Results - Cowan's Auctions in OH
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U.S. Interior Department Remington-Keene Indian Police Rifle #109Indian Captured 7th Cavalry US Model 1873 Trapdoor CarbineRelief Carved Percussion Altered Longrifle by Abraham Schweitzer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
Auction Details

Frontier Firearms: Collection of Larry Ness

Cowan's, a Hindman Company is pleased to offer Frontier Firearms from the Lifetime Collection of Larry Ness of Yankton, South Dakota. Assembled over the course of nearly 50 years, the collection is one of the most comprehensive offerings of Native American used and related frontier era arms to ever come to market. More than 200 lots from this landmark collection will be sold at Cowan's new Cincinnati office at 5030 Oaklawn Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 on June 8th. The sale contains firearms from the Battle of the Little Big Horn, including an Indian Captured 7th Cavalry US Model 1873 Trapdoor Carbine (lot #215), a Relic Colt US Model 1873 Single Action Army With Possible Reno 7th Cavalry Association (Lot #218), firearms used by the US Interior Department?s Indian (Tribal) Police (Lots #219-223), and a Winchester Model 1876 Rifle attributed to Sitting Bull (lot #226). The sale also includes an impressive array of arms made for the Indian fur trade. Rifles from the Hudson's Bay Company and the American Fur Company and others are well represented. Also included is a nice selection of frontier arms from the great St. Louis makers of the Western Expansion period including Hawken (Lots #158-163 and Lot #193) and Dimick (Lots #164-166). This sale offers a rare opportunity to acquire some of the most desirable firearms from American history.
English Flintlock Trade Fusil by Ketland: .53 caliber. 48" pinned round barrel. SN: NSN. Blued finish, brass furniture, walnut stock. Flat reconverted flint lock with teat at tail shows simple foliate engraving and is weakly marked "KETLAND
0001: English Flintlock Trade Fusil by KetlandEst. $1,500-$2,500
See Sold Price
Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by Ketland & Co.: .58 caliber. 35.75" pinned three-stage octagon to round barrel. SN: NSN. Browned barrel, brass furniture, full-length beech stock. Lock appears to be in original flint configuration and is marked
0002: Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by Ketland & Co.Est. $2,000-$4,000
See Sold Price
Early Full-Stock Flintlock Trade Gun: .62 caliber. 47.5" pinned three-stage octagon to round barrel with baluster turned rings at the transitions. SN: NSN. Metal heavily oxidized, iron and brass mountings, highly figured stock, possibly
0003: Early Full-Stock Flintlock Trade GunEst. $4,000-$6,000Lot Passed
Barnett & Co. Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun: .58 caliber. 27.25" three-stage pinned octagon to round barrel with baluster turned rings at the transitions. SN: NSN. Bright finish, iron and brass furniture, walnut stock. Round-tailed lock in
0008: Barnett & Co. Flintlock Northwest Trade GunEst. $2,000-$3,000
See Sold Price
Early Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by Wilson: .60 caliber. 44" pinned three-stage octagon to round barrel with baluster turned rings at the transition. SN: NSN. Bright finish, brass furniture, walnut stock. Slightly rounded reconverted flint
0013: Early Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by WilsonEst. $2,500-$4,000
See Sold Price
Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by Willets: .58 caliber. 36" pinned three-stage octagon to round barrel. SN: NSN. Oxidized metal, brass and iron furniture, full-length walnut stock. 6" flint lock in original flint configuration and marked
0016: Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun by WilletsEst. $2,000-$4,000
See Sold Price
Wilson Flintlock Northwest Trade Gun: .58 caliber. 36.125" pinned three-stage octagon to round barrel with baluster turned rings at the transition. SN: NSN. Moderately oxidized barrel, brass and iron furniture, walnut stock. Original
0017: Wilson Flintlock Northwest Trade GunEst. $3,000-$5,000
See Sold Price
Exceptional Leman Flintlock Chief's Grade Rifle: .42 caliber. 40.75" pinned octagonal barrel. SN: NSN. Browned barrel, color casehardened lock, brass furniture, full-length faux finished maple stock. Lock in original flint configuration with
0018: Exceptional Leman Flintlock Chief's Grade RifleEst. $7,000-$10,000
See Sold Price
Untouched Leman Full Stock Flintlock Trade Rifle: .52 caliber. 41.5" pinned heavy octagonal barrel. SN: NSN. Bright finish, brass furniture, maple stock. Original configuration flint lock with roller frizzen, fenced waterproof pan and flat
0023: Untouched Leman Full Stock Flintlock Trade RifleEst. $6,000-$8,000
See Sold Price