Lionel, American Flyer Train Auction 2011-05-13 Auction - 523 Price Results - Stout Auctions in IN
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294: Lionel Santa Fe F3 A-B-B-A 11711 and 1810381: Lionel TMCC command sets, power houses etc288: 7 Lionel Maxi Stack and TTUX sets 16363 16360
Williamsport, IN, United States
Auction Details

Lionel, American Flyer Train Auction

Stout Auctions is proud to offer for sale the extremely large and interesting collection from the estate of Gilbert McKessy TCA #94-39199. Gilbert was a very long time customer of Stout Auctions, going to back to nearly the first auction! Gilbert loved buying Lionel trains! His enormous collection filled a 53 foot semi trailer, plus another trailer . The collection is huge! This auction will have everything from Lionel dealer display layouts to parts to sealed cases of newer Lionel. The auction has the feel of a mini Madison Hardware. Make a point not to miss this sale whether you are a collector, dealer, operator or would just like to buy a train because we have it! Please call 765-764-6901 for any additional information or email
Lionel 11827 Zenith set factory sealed: Lionel modern O Gauge 11827 Zenith New York Central express set factory sealed in shipper. Set is C10.
0005: Lionel 11827 Zenith set factory sealedEst. $10-$250
See Sold Price
24 Lionel cars 19607 17113, 17404: Lionel modern O Gauge freight cars in OBs. Twenty four cars total. Includes twelve 19607 Sunoco tank cars factory sealed, six 17113 Lehigh Valley hoppers, and six 17404 Illinois Central hoppers. Cars
0007: 24 Lionel cars 19607 17113, 17404Est. $10-$400
See Sold Price
TCA Museum replica: Very nice O Gauge model of the TCA National Toy Train museum with all paperwork in OB. Includes all small accessories such as sign and potted plants. Model looks C8-9
0008: TCA Museum replicaEst. $10-$200
See Sold Price
Lionel B&O F3 ABA and 3 pass cars: Lionel modern O Gauge MPC Baltimore and Ohio F3 A-B-A set. Locos are 8363, 8364, and 8468 (no box and very light flash rust on coupler pockets and ladders), Locos are C7-8 with some run time. Bodies
0009: Lionel B&O F3 ABA and 3 pass carsEst. $10-$300
See Sold Price
Lionel 18005 NYC 700E Hudson: Lionel modern O Gauge 18005 New York Central 700E Hudson in OB. Loco features smoke, Railsounds, Pullmor motor and much more. Comes with sound button. Rear tender coupler is detached but included.
0010: Lionel 18005 NYC 700E HudsonEst. $10-$500
See Sold Price
Weaver Burlington SD40 with Proto: Weaver modern O Gauge 1322LP Burlington SD40-2 in OB. Loco features Protosound, constant voltage lighting and more. Loco is high C8-9 with only signs of factory run time.
0011: Weaver Burlington SD40 with ProtoEst. $10-$225
See Sold Price
20 Lionel reefers and other freight cars: Lionel modern O Gauge freight cars in OBs. Includes twenty cars. Eight reefers are weathered with some grey over spray including 5700, 5704, 5702, 5707, 5706, 5703, 5701, and 5705. Other cars include
0012: 20 Lionel reefers and other freight carsEst. $10-$250
See Sold Price
Lionel New York Central 18009 Mohawk: Lionel modern O Gauge 18009 New York Central L-3 Mohawk in OB. Loco has Smoke, Railsounds, firebox glow and more. Loco has been run and is C8 condition. OB is in poor condition with some staining and
0016: Lionel New York Central 18009 MohawkEst. $10-$450
See Sold Price
19 Lionel LCCA, TTOS, LRRC freight cars.: Lionel modern O Gauge freight cars. Nineteen cars from various clubs, most sealed in factory shippers. Includes four 52073 TTOS reefers, two 1998 LCCA Amtrak express boxcars, two 52163 LRRC boxcars,
0018: 19 Lionel LCCA, TTOS, LRRC freight cars.Est. $10-$300
See Sold Price
Lionel 31986 Wisconsin Central set: Lionel modern O Gauge 31986 Wisconsin Central freight set in OB. Set is C9-10 with track and transformer included. Set box does have light wear on the corners.
0020: Lionel 31986 Wisconsin Central setEst. $10-$200
See Sold Price
16 Lionel AEC, Disney and other cars: Lionel modern O Gauge freight cars in OBs. Sixteen cars total. Three 16153 AEC tank cars, three 29205 Mickey Hi Cube, three 16760 Pluto gondolas, three 19832 Lionel cola ice cars, three 16747 Breyer
0021: 16 Lionel AEC, Disney and other carsEst. $10-$250
See Sold Price
27 Lionel freight cars 9852, 9730, etc: Lionel modern O Gauge freight cars. Twenty seven cars total including two 9603 Hi Cube, two 9607 Hi Cube, two 9854 reefers, three 9730 boxcars, two 9852 reefers, two 9606 boxcars, two 9742 boxcars,
0022: 27 Lionel freight cars 9852, 9730, etcEst. $10-$250
See Sold Price