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Williamsport, IN, United States
Auction Details
Lionel, American Flyer Train Auction
Stout Auctions is proud to offer for sale the extremely large and interesting collection from the estate of Gilbert McKessy TCA #94-39199. Gilbert was a very long time customer of Stout Auctions, going to back to nearly the first auction! Gilbert loved buying Lionel trains! His enormous collection filled a 53 foot semi trailer, plus another trailer . The collection is huge! This auction will have everything from Lionel dealer display layouts to parts to sealed cases of newer Lionel. The auction has the feel of a mini Madison Hardware. Make a point not to miss this sale whether you are a collector, dealer, operator or would just like to buy a train because we have it! Please call 765-764-6901 for any additional information or email info@stoutauctions.com