Printed American History NO Premium 2013-06-08 Auction - 50 Price Results - Merchants Square, Inc. in FL
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1865 HARPER'S WEEKLY Lincoln Funeral Issue1791 GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES Indians1861 HARPER'S WEEKLY Lincoln Cabinet
St Petersburg, FL, United States
Auction Details

Printed American History NO Premium

A selection of 50 items in this auction primarily American History as reported in English and American newspapers and periodicals. Includes colonial, revolutionary war, and civil war. No Reserve above starting bid.
1861 HARPER'S WEEKLY Lincoln Cabinet: Civil War issue of Harper’s Weekly for November 16, 1861 with front page of meeting of General Scott with Lincoln and his cabinet. Great graphics throughout including full page of the Great
0268: 1861 HARPER'S WEEKLY Lincoln CabinetEst. $80-$120
See Sold Price
1786 MASSACHUSETTS CENTINEL: The Massachusetts Centinel for August 5, 1786, four pages complete. Printed by Benjamin Russell at Boston. Interesting content including report of “shocking instances of murder”. Also news from
0283: 1786 MASSACHUSETTS CENTINELEst. $150-$250Lot Passed