Pair of Hans Wegner for Johannes Hansen Teak Table with SlideMagnusson Art Group4.5(49)$825(4 bids)4 days Left
Pair of Atelier Perusse Tiger Maple Queen Anne Style Side TablesNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(401)$225(2 bids)7 days Left
Five (5) Verner Panton "Pantonova" Modular Table ShelvesMagnusson Art Group4.5(49)$400(2 bids)4 days Left
SoldLouis XVI style marble top walnut side tablemid-20th century; 20 in. Diam. rouge marble top, four cabriole legs connected by stretcher shelf, brass chutes and sabots, 29 in. H., 23 in. Diam.See Sold Price
SoldLOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP WALNUT SIDE TABLE STANDLouis XVI style walnut side table, early 20th c., having inlaid circular marble top, encased by gilt metal gallery, rising on squared supports, joined by medial shelf, fracture to marble top, approx 2See Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI Style Walnut Marble Top Side TableFrench, early 20th century, thick oval "Egyptian" marble top, above garland and leaf carved frame with fluted legs and carved stretchers, 22-1/2 x 20-1/4 x 24-1/4 in. , Provenance: From the Estate ofSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis XVI Style Ormolu Mounted Walnut Marble Top Side Table, 20th c., the brass galleriedFrench Louis XVI Style Ormolu Mounted Walnut Marble Top Side Table, 20th c., the brass galleried figured white marble, over an ormolu mounted skirt, on turned tapered reeded splayed legs joined by a bSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Louis XVI Style Carved Walnut Side Tables with Inset Marble TopsTwo Louis XVI Style Carved Walnut Side Tables with Inset Marble Tops Late 19th Century Taller, height 31 x diameter 20 1/2 inches. Property from the Collection of Robert and Mary Montgomery, Palm BeacSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style side table, 20th c., having pierced gilt metal gallery, over marble top, walnut finish frame with single frieze drawer, rising on squared tapered legs, approx 26.25"h, 26"diam SSee Sold Price
SoldITALIAN CARVED WALNUT & MARBLE SIDE TABLEFinely crafted occasional table in the Louis XVI style, featuring carved floral and foliate moldings with a pierced apron and inset Nero Portoro marble top. NY union label underneath. 20th Century. DiSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE WALNUT MARBLE CONSOLE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style console table, mid-19th c., having shaped grey marble top, over conforming walnut base, scoop pattern carved front, foliate carved sides, rising on tapered fluted legs, on arrowSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Side Table, the D-form top composed of various marbles inlaid in a foliate starburst pattern within banding and a molded edge, above a pierced foliate garland fSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Polychrome and Marble-Top Side Table the thick D-form marble top with projecting ends, above a conforming foliate- and guilloche-carved frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised aboveSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Side Table 20th century, the D-form marble top with a projecting center section, above a conforming interlacing gallery-pierced frieze, raised on fluted, tapereSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Creme-Peinte and Marble-Top Side Table late 19th century, the long, rectangular marble top with rounded corners and a projecting center section, above a conforming frieze fitted with fSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Fruitwood and Marble-Top Side Table late 18th century, the bowed marble top with projecting corners, above a conforming foliate-pierced frieze with pendant floral garland, raised on flSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Side Table 20th century, the inset rectangular marble top above a conforming frieze, paneled and with applied foliate ormolu mounts and central cherub plaque, rSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Side Table mid-19th century, the bowed marble top with projecting sections, above a conforming pierced guilloche-carved frieze, centered by a foliate-carved panSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI Style Marble Top Side TableLouis XVI-style side table, gilt frame with marble top, 36" h x 31" l x 27" w.See Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Creme-Peinte, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Side Table 19th century, the D-form marble top with a projecting center section, above a conforming pierced guilloche frieze with foliate paterSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XVI-Style Marble-Top Side TableLouis XVI-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Side Table early 20th century, the inset circular Egyptian marble top above a pierced and carved apron centered by floral-carved plaques, raisedSee Sold Price
SoldLOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE TOP SIDE TABLEFrench, 20th century. Fleur de Peche marble top oval brass gallery top Louis XVI style occasional table. Paper label, Made in France. Approx. h. 20.125", w. 19.75", d. 14.75".See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style marble-top side table, early 20th c., parcel gilt and painted frame, rising on tapered fluted legs, joined by cross stretcher, approx 19.75"h, 20"w, 14.5"d Start Price: $150.00See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style mahogany side table, early 20th c., having ovular marble top, over single drawer, giltmetal trim, rising on fluted tapered legs, ending in brass cap feet, approx 21"h, 19.25"w,See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany nightstand, 19th c., having pierced metal gallery surrounding oval marble top, case fitted with three drawers, parquetry inlaid borders, shield-form escutcheSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDE TABLEFrench Louis XVI style marble-top side table, early 20th c., pierced gilt metal gallery over inset marble top, case fitted with three center drawers, rising on tapered legs, ending in metal-capped feeSee Sold Price
Louis XV Style French Center, End Table, Giltwood, Marble Top, Accent TableJasper524.5(9.8k)$1,6003 days Left
Pair R. J. Horner End Tables, Side or Pedestal Tables, Carved, Inlaid, RareJasper524.5(9.8k)$8,5003 days Left
Vntg French Louis XVI Style Gilt Wood Marble TableThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)$1(1 bid)4 days Left
Elegant Multi-Color Marble Accent Table with Twisted Iron Base 21" HeightMynt Auctions4.6(682)$50987 Lots Away