Revolutionary War Officers Dress SwordNew England Auctions - Fred Giampietro4.6(398)$500(5 bids)3 hrs Left
Revolutionary War Era Officers SwordNew England Auctions - Fred Giampietro4.6(398)$275(5 bids)3 hrs Left
1782 Revolutionary War Masschusetts Treasury Bearer Bond Received of Samuel Chaffin Signed by H.Early American History Auctions4.4(47)$240(1 bid)2 days Left
1777 Revolutionary War George Washington General in Chief of the American Army Engraving in UniformEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$400(1 bid)2 days Left
c 1782 Revolutionary War 66th British Regt. of Foot Soldier's Pewter Cuff Button with Original ShankEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1802 days Left
1776 Autograph Letter Re: Building A Bridge, Integral Cover: Recd. Samuel Vernon, Merchant, NewportEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$3002 days Left
Revolutionary War Pay Voucher for Officer - Signed by Oliver Wolcott JrRaynor's American History Auction House$150(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
June 8, 1776 Manuscript Document Signed by Artemas Ward as Army Commander-in-Chief at BostonEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1,200(1 bid)2 days Left
c 1775 Revolutionary War British Royal Navy Lieutenant's Button Brass With Original ShankEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1802 days Left
Sept. 1, 1777 Committee Report, Services done in the Revolutionary War for Yorktown and TiconderogEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$3002 days Left
1780 Revolutionary War Booklet, Titles of the Laws [of New Hampshire] With Their Dates 1776 to 1780Early American History Auctions4.4(47)$6002 days Left
1790 America's Revolutionary War United States Issued Loans Manuscript Abstract for Proper RecordingEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1,2002 days Left
1783 TIMOTHY PICKERING Revolutionary War Continental Army Adjt. General 3rd person AutographedEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$2002 days Left
YEAR 1775-Dated Revolutionary War Debates Content, Supplement to the Gentleman's Magazine, 44 PagesEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$3002 days Left
Revolutionary War Pay Voucher for Officer - Signed by Oliver Wolcott JrRaynor's American History Auction House$150Feb 22, 2025
(1778) Revolutionary War, First Edition DR. FRANKLIN, titled Portrait Engraving of Benjamin FranklinEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$5002 days Left
SoldWilliam Faden, rare Revolutionary War Map of NYWilliam Faden, rare Revolutionary War Map of NY, William Faden (British, 1749-1836), "A Plan of the Operations of the Kings Army under the Command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and EasSee Sold Price
SoldSauthier & Fadden Revolutionary War Map EngravingAn original 18th Century hand colored engraved topographical map, illustrated by Claude Joseph Sauthier (1736–1802) and published by William Faden (1749-1836), the latter serving as royal geogrSee Sold Price
Sold1777 Revolutionary War Map America Septentrionalis1777 hand-colored map published by Homann Heirs, Nuremberg, showing the British colonies in North American, published in the midst of the American Revolution, entitled "America Septentrionalis a DominSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Map"A Plan of the Operations ... in New York and East New Jersey against the American Forces Commanded by General Washington" 29" x 20" (sight) Claude Joseph Sauthier, 1777See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAP OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTSAMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAP OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, uncolored engraving on paper, A New and Correct Plan of the Town of Boston and Provincial Camp, engraved by Robert Aitken (AmeriSee Sold Price
SoldFIRST EDITION OF RARE REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAPCarte Nouvelle des Possessions Angloises en Amérique dressée pour l'intellegence de la guerre, Paris 1777, Maurille Antoine Moithey, engineer. Translation: New map of the English possessionsSee Sold Price
SoldUNUSUAL U.S. REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAP 1780Titled in both French and English "Seat of War in America." Date penciled on. Includes 1935 letter of provenance framed verso. Dimensions: (Frame) H 16" x W 21.75", (Sight) H 9.75" x W 15.5" ConditionSee Sold Price
SoldHomann Heirs: Antique Revolutionary War Map of the USTitle: 1777 Revolutionary War issue of Homann's map of the United States. America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam... Map maker: HomaSee Sold Price
SoldFaden Revolutionary War Map of SaratogaFADEN, William (1749-1836). Plan of the Position which the Army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed. EngravSee Sold Price
SoldFaden Revolutionary War Map of HubertonFADEN, William (1749-1836). Plan of the action at Huberton under Brigadier Genl. Frazer, supported by Major Genl. Reidesel, on the 7th July 1777. Drawn by P. Gerlach Deputy Quarter Master General. EngSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Map of the Battle of SaratogaAmerican Revolution 1780 Revolutionary War Map Engraved by William Faden 1780-Dated Revolutionary War, Hand-Colored Map entitled, “Plan of the Encampment and Position of the Army Under His Excelly.See Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War MapMap, 18” x 11,” “Plan of the Siege of Charleston in S. Carolina" 1807, publishedC.P. Wayne, Philadelphia, withdrawn from book. Showing the location of downtown Charleston, Fort Sullivan (later nSee Sold Price
Sold1778 Revolutionary War Map Hudson ValleyThe January 1778 issue of "The Gentleman's Magazine", printed at London for D. Henry. 48 pages including folding map (8.5 x 14") "of Hudson's River with the adjacent Country". Revolutionary War contenSee Sold Price
SoldPhillips: Revolutionary War Map of New England, 1806Title/Content of Map: 1806 Phillips Revolutionary War Map of New England and Quebec -- A Map of the Country which was the scene of operations of The Northern Army including the Wilderness through whicSee Sold Price
SoldRevolutionary War Map 1776A copperplate engraving of a map titled “Sketch of the Country Illustrating the late Engagement in Long Island”, which is a Revolutionary War map featuring Long Island and the site of the Battle oSee Sold Price
SoldAfter William Faden, Revolutionary War Map of NYAfter William Faden (British, 1749-1836), "A Plan of the Operations of the Kings Army under the Command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and East New Jersey", copy on paper, 17 1/2" x 12"See Sold Price
Sold1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of York, VirginiaTitle/Content of Map: 1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of York, Virginia -- Plan of the Investment and Attack of York in Virginia Date: 1832, Philadelphia Cartographer: J Marshall Size: 7.6 X 8.9 iSee Sold Price
Sold1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Philadelphia toTitle/Content of Map: 1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Philadelphia to Staten Island -- Map of the Country from Raritan River in East Jersey to Elk Head in Maryland Shewing the several OperationSee Sold Price
Sold1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of New York City --Title/Content of Map: 1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of New York City -- Plan of New York Island and Part of Long Island Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies before, at, and afteSee Sold Price
Sold1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Northern NewTitle/Content of Map: 1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Northern New Jersey -- Plan of the Northern Part of New Jersey Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies after Crossing the NoSee Sold Price
Sold1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Lower New YorkTitle/Content of Map: 1832 Marshall Revolutionary War Map of Lower New York from Tappan Sea to New York City -- Plan of the Country from Frogs Point to Croton River Shewing the Positions of the AmericSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAPAMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR MAP hand-colored, title in proper right upper corner, "A Map of the Country which was the scene of operations of the Northern Army including the Wilderness through which GenSee Sold Price
Sold1783 Leather Magazine Revolutionary War MapsThe European Magazine and London the Philological Society of London.., for January through June 1783, printed at London for John Fielding. 480 pages, and six monthly issues each with own tiSee Sold Price
Antique 18th C. Revolutionary War American or English Officer Rapier Sword.Zevantiques4.4(68)$3502 days Left
1801 VOYAGE dans LA HAUTE PENSYLVANIE 3 VOLUMES illustrated AMERICANA antiqueZevantiques4.4(68)$8002 days Left
1804 George Washington 1st ed Life by John Marshall Revolutionary War AMERICANASchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$225(6 bids)Mar 09, 2025
1825 REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1st/1st American Military Biography Putnam Gen. LaFayetteSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$52(4 bids)Mar 09, 2025
1850 Battle of Bunker Hill Monument Revolutionary War Columbia Commandery 3v lotSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$52(2 bids)Mar 09, 2025
1890 Battle of Bunker Hill Revolutionary WAR Soldier Memorial Boston CharlestownSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(421)$12(3 bids)Mar 09, 2025
PAIR OF RARE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PORTRAIT KEY ETCHINGS, FRAMEDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(388)$500(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
Revolutionary War Pay Voucher for Officer - Signed by Oliver Wolcott JrRaynor's American History Auction House$150Feb 22, 2025
Revolutionary War Pay Voucher for Officer - Signed by Oliver Wolcott JrRaynor's American History Auction House$150(1 bid)Feb 22, 2025
Revolutionary War Era Officers SwordNew England Auctions - Fred Giampietro4.6(398)$275(5 bids)3 hrs Left
Revolutionary War Officers Dress SwordNew England Auctions - Fred Giampietro4.6(398)$500(5 bids)3 hrs Left
YEAR 1775-Dated Revolutionary War Debates Content, Supplement to the Gentleman's Magazine, 44 PagesEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$3002 days Left
c 1775 Revolutionary War British Royal Navy Lieutenant's Button Brass With Original ShankEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1802 days Left
c 1782 Revolutionary War 66th British Regt. of Foot Soldier's Pewter Cuff Button with Original ShankEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1802 days Left
Sept. 1, 1777 Committee Report, Services done in the Revolutionary War for Yorktown and TiconderogEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$3002 days Left
1782 Revolutionary War Masschusetts Treasury Bearer Bond Received of Samuel Chaffin Signed by H.Early American History Auctions4.4(47)$240(1 bid)2 days Left
1783 TIMOTHY PICKERING Revolutionary War Continental Army Adjt. General 3rd person AutographedEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$2002 days Left
1790 America's Revolutionary War United States Issued Loans Manuscript Abstract for Proper RecordingEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$1,2002 days Left
1780 Revolutionary War Booklet, Titles of the Laws [of New Hampshire] With Their Dates 1776 to 1780Early American History Auctions4.4(47)$6002 days Left
1777 Revolutionary War George Washington General in Chief of the American Army Engraving in UniformEarly American History Auctions4.4(47)$400(1 bid)2 days Left