Feb 27, 2025Viscontea Casa d'Aste srlVINCENZO CAMUCCINI (attr.). Painting "THE BLINDING OF ELYMAS"€3,000
Mar 23, 2025Taylor & HarrisGerman Hand Painted Porcelain Portrait Plaque Raphael Sistine Cherub Framed$150
3 days LeftRipley AuctionsRaphael Soyer, New York / Russia (1899-1987), group of standing figures, graphite on paper, 22"H x$50
3 days LeftRipley AuctionsRaphael Soyer, New York / Russia (1899-1987), female portrait, graphite and pastel on paper, 11$50
3 days LeftRipley AuctionsRaphael Soyer, New York / Russia (1899-1987), seated female portrait, graphite on paper, 13 1/2"H 10$50