Ancient & Ethnographic Art Through The Ages 2020-10-22 Auction - 373 Price Results - Artemis Gallery in CO
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Published Roman Bronze Mars / Roman Ruler, Ex Sotheby'sEarly 20th C. Indonesian Wood Altar w/ Ancestral FemaleSlender Female Fossilized Mammoth Tusk
Louisville, CO, United States
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Ancient & Ethnographic Art Through The Ages

Artemis Gallery

Artemis Gallery

Ancient art from Egypt, Greece, Italy and the Near East, as well as Asian, Fossils, Pre-Columbian, Native American, African / Tribal / Oceanic, Fine art, and much more! All categories, all price ranges... all legally acquired and guaranteed to be as described or your money back. Convenient / affordable in-house shipping!
Egyptian Late Dynastic Cedar Mummy Mask: Ancient Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26 to 31, ca. 712 to 300 BCE. An Egyptian cedar and painted gesso sarcophagus mask of an archetypical Egyptian beauty in a black striped headdress painted with
0001: Egyptian Late Dynastic Cedar Mummy MaskEst. $1,600-$2,400
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Egyptian New Kingdom Glazed Faience Ushabti: Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom to Third Intermediate Period, 20th to 21st Dynasty, ca. 1189 to 943 BCE. A lovely ushabti built by hand from white faience and covered in layers of lustrous blue-green
0002: Egyptian New Kingdom Glazed Faience UshabtiEst. $1,200-$1,800
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Egyptian Janiform Faience Bes Amulet: Ancient Egypt, Late Dynastic period, 26th to 31st Dynasty, ca. 664 to 332 BCE. A mold-formed faience amulet in the form of Bes, the dwarf god. Once covered in green glaze, the surface is now beige
0003: Egyptian Janiform Faience Bes AmuletEst. $1,000-$1,500Lot Passed
Egyptian Steatite Scarab Amulet: Egypt, Late Dynastic Period, 26th Dynasty, ca. 664 to 525 BCE. A hand-carved gray steatite scarab of a petite size. The topside displays insectile features like a folded wing carapace, retracted
0005B: Egyptian Steatite Scarab AmuletEst. $700-$1,000Lot Passed
Egyptian Faience Ushabti w/ Hieroglyphs: Egypt, Late Dynastic Period, 26th to 31st Dynasty, ca. 664 to 332 BCE. A finely preserved, mold-formed faience ushabti with a column of hieroglyphs inscribed horizontally across the waist and
0006: Egyptian Faience Ushabti w/ HieroglyphsEst. $600-$900
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Egyptian Bronze Seated Horus / Harpokrates: Egypt, Ptolemaic period, ca. 332 to 30 BCE. A striking solid cast-copper alloy statuette of the child god Horus/Harpokrates (from the Egyptian "Her-pa-khered" or "Horus the Child") seated nude with
0007: Egyptian Bronze Seated Horus / HarpokratesEst. $800-$1,500
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Romano-Egyptian Alabaster Dish: Egypt, Romano-Egyptian period, ca. 3rd to early 5th century CE. A petite bowl carved from mottled yellow-white alabaster with gray inclusions and veining interspersed throughout the composition. The
0007A: Romano-Egyptian Alabaster DishEst. $550-$800
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Ancient Cypriot Handled Jug: Ancient Greece, Cyprus, Late Cypriot Bronze Age, ca. 1550 to 1050 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery vessel of a lovely form with an apple-shaped body resting atop a squat foot. The rounded shoulder
0007C: Ancient Cypriot Handled JugEst. $800-$1,200
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Rare Greek Copper Spear Butt: Ancient Greece, late Archaic Period, ca. 500 BCE. A gorgeous example of a cast-copper spear butt known as a sauroter ("lizard killer") from a spear known as a dory (also doru), the chief armament of
0009: Rare Greek Copper Spear ButtEst. $1,500-$2,500Lot Passed
Greek Pottery Lekythos - Ariadne & Dionysos: Ancient Greece, Athens (Attic), ca. late 6th to early 5th century BCE. An Attic lekythos painted with a Dionysian theme via the black-figure technique. The vessel body presents a nude Dionysos and
0010: Greek Pottery Lekythos - Ariadne & DionysosEst. $1,500-$2,500
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Lot of 4 Greek Pottery Figural Whistles: Ancient Greece, Classical to early Hellenistic period, ca. 5th to late 4th century BCE. An interesting ensemble of hand-built pottery whistles depicting highly stylized, human-headed birds. Two birds
0011A: Lot of 4 Greek Pottery Figural WhistlesEst. $800-$1,200
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Greek Terracotta Antefix of Goddess Io: Ancient Greece, Taranto, ca. 4th century BCE. A striking head-turner of an antefix depicting Io - the goddess/nymph with cow horns which are now largely lost, presenting a beautiful face with
0012: Greek Terracotta Antefix of Goddess IoEst. $2,000-$3,000
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