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Sunrise, FL, United States
Auction Details
Full of Possibilities
Wishing everyone a happy 2023, a New Year that's Full of Possibilities! Not unlike Hill Auction Gallery's first auction of the year which will take place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. A sale that will blow your mind featuring art from the modern masters such as Jamali, Romero Britto, Rufino and KAWS. Accompanied with traditional works from Hagenauer and Bergman that scream of Art Deco elegance. There are also exceptional groupings of Steinway & Sons professional high-end audio equipment. Produced under license with Danish tech visionary Peter Lyngdorf to create a sound experience that will blend visually into almost any luxury décor. In addition to incredible artwork and exceptional sound equipment we'll be selling a cache of gold jewelry, luxury watches, and more. Highlights include an 'Isolation Tower' screenprint signed by Pop Artist KAWS, abstract works from Leonardo Nierman, the Urban Graffiti art of Billy the Artist, an homage painting of Toulouse Lautrec by Peter Max, exquisite Italia pietra dura stone work, works from Franz Bergman and Studio Hagenauer, a collection of rare museum quality carved Chinese Red Salmon Coral figural sculptures, and so much more. Bring in the New Year with Hill Auction Gallery on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 12:00 Noon, Eastern Time, for our exciting Full of Possibilities auction.