Camera Collctn Intl Photography Hall of Fame 2023-09-09 Auction - 596 Price Results - Donley Auctions in IL
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Megalethoscope by Carlo PontiRare Spirograph Disc Motion Picture ProjectorStereoscopic Wet Plate Camera by John Stock
Arlington Heights, IL, United States
Auction Details

Camera Collctn Intl Photography Hall of Fame

Donley Auctions

Donley Auctions

This auction contains a vast collection of cameras and related items from the International Photography Hall of Fame (IPHF) collection, St. Louis, Missouri. The collection encompasses the entire history of photography as well as the pre-photographic era. First conceived in 1965 as the Photographic Art and Science Foundation by the Professional Photographers of America Association, the aim of IPHF is to promote the history of the art and industry of photography and recognize historic photographers and inventors. In 1977 IPHF opened its collection to the public at the Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. Later, IPHF was based in Oklahoma City and is currently operating out of St Louis. At the end of 2022, the Board of Directors of IPHF voted to focus on honoring members of the Hall of Fame including collecting their works. In addition, IPHF is continuing its commitment to education and international growth. As part of this process IPHF reviewed its collection and determined that its decades-in-the-making camera collection was ultimately not fully compatible with its current mission. Instead, these rare, vintage, and sometimes unique cameras have been deaccessioned and made available for sale to the public. The core of the IPHF camera collection was built by the late Ernest H. Brooks Sr., who founded of the Brooks Institute in 1945. It grew into one of the most successful private arts schools in the US. His son, Ernest Jr., a famed marine photographer, along with others, also contributed to the collection. Interspersed with the cameras are many high-quality lenses and a good selection of early movie cameras and projectors. The auction begins with a section of pre-photographic items as well as photographic viewing instruments. The second part of the auction will be comprised of mostly large lots of later cameras and other photographic materials, incl. 35 mm, Kodaks, movie cameras and projectors, dark room equipment, and the like.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER & SHIPPING INFORMATION: DISCLAIMER:All items in this sale are offered for sale for display or historical research purposes only. There is no warranty that any item is fully operational or is like new, and there could be
1000: IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER & SHIPPING INFORMATIONEst. $1,000,000-$2,000,000Lot Passed
Zograoscope Viewer: Late 18th/early 19th century, with 5 inch diameter lens and pivoting mirror on turned adjustable wood base, 23"H when not extended.
1001: Zograoscope ViewerEst. $150-$200
See Sold Price
Claude Lorraine Glass or Mirror: Nestled in a fitted leather case, 6 x 5".
1002: Claude Lorraine Glass or MirrorEst. $150-$200
See Sold Price
Three Anamorphic Mirror Cards: Two colored and one black and white, 8 x 6 3/4".
1003: Three Anamorphic Mirror CardsEst. $50-$80
See Sold Price
Five Phenakistoscope Discs: Three marked "Chez Alph. Giroux et Cie, a Paris", and a hand made slotted disc.
1004: Five Phenakistoscope DiscsEst. $200-$300
See Sold Price
Folding Peep View of Florence: Mid-19th century, with nine colored, lithographic sections, 6 x 7 x 30 inches extended.
1005: Folding Peep View of FlorenceEst. $200-$300
See Sold Price
Praxinoscope Theatere by Emil Reynaud: Paris, with mirrored tin drum, stage board with instructions in French, candle holder, and various scene cards, in paper covered wood case with viewing hole (poor condition, incomplete).
1006: Praxinoscope Theatere by Emil ReynaudEst. $300-$500
See Sold Price
Praxinoscope: Probably by Emil Reynaud, Paris, with tin drum, mirrored center, and turned wood stand with provision for pulley cord, with six double sided strips and a partial color strip.
1007: PraxinoscopeEst. $100-$200
See Sold Price
Zoetrope: With cardboard drum, 6 inches diameter on turned wood stand, with two strips.
1009: ZoetropeEst. $100-$150
See Sold Price
Optical Devices: including a simple microscope with slides of micro-photographs, in wood case, a French simple microscope in card box, a pair LeMaire opera glasses, and a table magnifier
1010: Optical DevicesEst. $50-$75
See Sold Price
Brewster Pattern Stereoscopic Viewer: Mid-19th century, with paper-covered wood body.
1012: Brewster Pattern Stereoscopic ViewerEst. $100-$150
See Sold Price
Stereoview Storage Case: With hinged fall front with celluloid picture, and clips for twenty six views -12"H closed.
1013: Stereoview Storage CaseEst. $100-$200
See Sold Price
Stereoscopes: An incomplete stereo-graphoscope, two Holmes pattern (one on stand), a cast metal probably by Keystone, a small German viewer with views in box, four small viewers, and a set of test views
1014: StereoscopesEst. $100-$200
See Sold Price
Megalethoscope by Carlo Ponti: *NO SHIPPING!! Buyer Pick up or TRANSPORT ONLY!! ** Venice, mid-late 19th century, of carved walnut, with 5 x 4 " viewing lens, with top and side mirrored light doors (one mirror shattered), focus
1015: Megalethoscope by Carlo PontiEst. $3,000-$4,000
See Sold Price
Megalethoscope Views: Thirty-three wood mounted flat albumen prints 12 x 16.
1016: Megalethoscope ViewsEst. $300-$500
See Sold Price
McAllister Magic Lantern: Mid 19th century, with illuminant and stenciled maker's label, 10"H
1018: McAllister Magic LanternEst. $50-$70
See Sold Price
Mahogany and Brass Magic Lantern: NOTE: Increased Shipping costs due to size/weight - buyer pick up suggested. With electric illuminant, brass lens, doors with viewing windows, and chimney, 21 inches (lacking tin cover to housing);
1019: Mahogany and Brass Magic LanternEst. $100-$150
See Sold Price
Vitaslide Automatic Projector: San Francisco, circa 1919, for automaticly changing 3 1/4 x 4 advertising slides, with spring motor, carousel for four slides, sprung selector, electric illuminant, condenser lens, and replacement
1020: Vitaslide Automatic ProjectorEst. $400-$600
See Sold Price
Magic Lanterns and Accessories: Including a small Japanese tin lantern "The King", a "Hollywood" lantern, a Darlot and one other brass lantern lens, and a framed advertisement for lantern exhibitions
1021: Magic Lanterns and AccessoriesEst. $100-$200
See Sold Price