Dashiell Hammett- The Maltese Falcon 1930 First Edition$170(4 bids)4 days LeftAmerican Antique Auctions
Old Master Paintings, Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Exhibition Catalog 1979$7(1 bid)Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Field, Poems of Childhood, 1st State of 1st Print, 1904, Maxfield Parrish illustrations$245(2 bids)Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Indian Miniatures Exhibition Catalog 1963, Mildred & Archer Collection$30Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Isaac Asimov, The Stars Like Dust, 1951 First Edition$100(4 bids)4 days LeftAmerican Antique Auctions
Pre-Raphaelite Paintings & Decorative Arts, 1982 Exhibition Catalog$20(2 bids)Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Henri Focillon, Art of the West, Vol.1 Romanesque Art, 1980, Cornell Ed. illustrated$7(1 bid)Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Sarel Eimerl, The World of Giotto c.1267-1337, Time Life Ed. 1967$7(1 bid)Jan 23, 2025Frost & Nicklaus
Sold1769 CHALDAIC LANGUAGE IN HEBREW BIBLE TREATISE LEXICON in LATIN antique JUDAICAIanua hebraeae linguae veteris testamenti... Nunc septimum... by Reineccius,C. Leipzig; 1769 2 parts in one volume (bound with: LEXICON HEBRAEO - CHALDAICUM) 3/4 leather with cardboard cover. Size 4 1See Sold Price
Sold1588 BAVARIAN STATE LAW blindstamped PIGSKIN FOLIO antique GERMAN 16th centuryReformation Der Bayrischen Landrecht - nach Christi ... Geburd im Fünffzehenhundert BAVARIAN STATE LAW which was first codified in 1518 under Duke Wilhelm IV (1493-1550). The present edition, pubSee Sold Price
Sold1698 LIVES OF SAINTS ILLUSTRATED antique PIGSKIN FOLIO 16th CENT. MenologiumMenologium, seu Brevis, & Compendiosa Illuminatio, Relucens In Splendoribus Sanctorum, Beatorum, Miraculosorum, Incorruptorum, Extaticorum, Beneficorum (...). Munich, Straub; 1698 ILLUSTRATED Small foSee Sold Price
Sold1655 FOLIO Saint Jerome BIBLE Vulgate & Commentary Psalms Hebrew Lexicon NT1655 FOLIO Saint Jerome BIBLE Vulgate & Commentary Psalms Hebrew Lexicon NT “When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting.” – Jerome, Epistle 58 Saint Jerome was a 4th -cSee Sold Price
Sold1569 HISTORY OF JEWS JOST AMMAN Illustrated antique pigskin FOLIO 16th centJOSEPHUS, TITUS FLAVIUS. C.37-100. Historien und Bucher von alten Judischen Geschichten. (HISTORY OF JEWS) Illustrated by AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591), Swiss-German artist, celebrated chiefly for his woodcSee Sold Price
Sold1693 BIBLE in LATIN antique PIGSKIN FOLIO BAMBERG BIBLIA OLD & NEW TESTAMENTBiblia Sacra vulgatae editionis sixti V. pontificis maximi juss recognita atque edita, versiculis distincta [...], everendissimi et celsissimi s. r. i. principis ac domini D. Marquardi Sebastiani impeSee Sold Price
EXTREMELY RARE 1556 CHAINED LIBRARY BOOK BLIND TOOLED PIGSKIN FOLIO antiqueSommerteil Holiliarum Orthodoxarum Bound with: Ecclesiasticae Demegoriae: Postill oder gemeyne predig Rechter Catholischer lere, vber alle Episteln vnd Euangelien von den Heiligen Gottes. vom OstermonSee Sold Price
1578 PLATO 1st ed. by Henri Estienne's PIGSKIN FOLIO antique PLATONIS PHILOSOPHIPlato PLATONIS AUGUSTISS PHILOSOPHI Omnium Quæ Extant Operum, Tomus Secundus: Græce Et Latinè Volume 2 (of 3). (Geneva, H. Estienne, 1578) Folio: 10 by 15.5" With some woodcut initialsSee Sold Price
Sold1565 Wolfgang Musculus In divi Pauli BLIND-STAMPED PIGSKIN antique FOLIOMusculus, Wolfgang. In divi Pauli epistolas ad Philippenses, colossenses, Thessalonicenses ambas. 5 lvs., 406 p., 18 lvs. Folio, size 9 by 13" (32 x 21 cm.) Amazing binding - blind embossed pigskin wiSee Sold Price
Sold1570 MARTIN LUTHER antique BLINDSTAMPED PIGSKIN BINDING FOLIO 16th CENTURYMartin Luther Tomus quartus et idem ultimus omnium operum (...). Jena, C. Rhodius, 1570 The 4th volume (of 4) (4),806 lvs. Title within elaborate woodcut border, 1 full-p. illustration, original blindSee Sold Price
Sold1661 MARTIN LUTHER WRITINGS BLIND TOOLED PIGSKIN FOLIO antiqueDer ander Teil aller deutschen Bücher und Schrifften des theuren... by Martin Luther Wittenburg; 1661 Original blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards Folio. Size 8 by 13" Very good condition exceptSee Sold Price
Sold1586 CATECHISM by Peter Canisius PIGSKIN FOLIO antique Opus catechisticumCanisius, P. Opus catechisticum, sive de summa doctrinae christianae ... Cologne, G. Calenius and J. Quentel, 1586 The large catechism for the educated with about 220 questions in an early Cologne ediSee Sold Price
Sold1687 ILLUSTRATED PIGSKIN FOLIO antique INSTRUCTIONS on NOBILITY LIFEWolf Helmhard von Hohberg (1612-1688, genealogist and poet) Georgica curiosa aucta. Instruction on the life of the nobility in the country and fields. Vol. 1 (of 3). Nurnberg, Endter; 1687 Folio: 8 1/See Sold Price
Sold1584 HEBREW REPUBLIC HISTORY antique PIGSKIN 16th CENTURY JUDAICADe rep. Hebraeorum libri VII... by Caroli Sigonii Speyer, Albinus ; 1584 With woodcut printer's device at title and colophon 3 lvs, 520 pages, 23 lvs. blind stamped pigskin binding. very good conditioSee Sold Price
Sold1609 BIBLE COMMENTARY on ACTS of APOSTLES antique HAND TOOLED PIGSKIN FOLIOIn actus apostolorum commentaria: Recognita, correcta, restituta, locupletata... Cologne, Hierat ; 1609 Folio: 9.5 by 15" Blind tooled pigskin over wooden covers binding (dated 1615), with 2 metal claSee Sold Price
Sold1794 ARISTOTLE DE POETICA LIBER antique FOLIO in GREEK & LATINAristotle. De Poetica Liber. Oxford, 1794 xx, 219, [1] pages, including errata. Folio: 9.5 by 12" Original gilt-ruled polished calf; rebacked with most of original spine laid on, gilt edges clean andSee Sold Price
Sold1550 MARTIN LUTHER in LATIN antique HAND TOOLED PIGSKIN BOUND FOLIO 16th CENTURYLuther, Martin. Tomus primus omnium operum. Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1550 8, CCCCXCV lvs. Folio: 8.5 by 12.5" (31 x 20 cm.) Original richly blind-tooled pigskin binding Manuscript title to the spine -See Sold Price
Sold1730 BIBLE in LATIN & GERMAN MASSIVE FOLIO PIGSKIN BINDING antique BIBLIA SACRABiblia Sacra vulgatae editionis (Holy Scriptures of the Old and Testament) Thomas Aq. Erhard, S. Benedicti Ordens Augsburg, Verlag Johann Strotters and Sohns, 1730 905 pgs. (Old Testament), 732 pgs. (See Sold Price
Sold1662 MARTIN LUTHER WRITINGS 2 volumes PIGSKIN BOUND FOLIO antique in GERMANLuther, Martin (Teutsche Schriften). Der sechste Theil aller Deutschen Bucher und Schrifften (von 10). Altenburg, Furstlich Sachsische Offizin: 1662 2 volumes Folio: 8 by 13" With engraved title page.See Sold Price
Sold1668 PIGSKIN BOUND antique FOLIO BIBLE COMMENTARY by MATTHEW POLO Vol. 1Synopsis Criticorum Aliorumque Sacrae Scripturae Interpretum et Commentatorum, summo Studio et Fide Adornata, Indicibus que necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo By Polo, Matthaeo [Matthew Poole] EarlSee Sold Price
Sold1588 Libellus Sodalitatis by Fraans Coster antique PIGSKIN BINDING w/ CLASPSLibellus Sodalitatis: Hoc Est: Christianarum Institutionum Libri Quinque. [...] Eiusdem de Cantico Salve Regina Meditationes Septem. by Francisco Costero Ingolstadt, Dauidis Sartorij ; 1588 Size 3.5 bSee Sold Price
Sold1588 LES MEMOIRES DE MESS. by MARTIN DU BELLAY antique FOLIO FRENCH HISTORYLES MEMOIRES DE MESS. Martin Du Bellay Seigneur de Langey. Contenans le discours de plusieurs choses advenues au Royaume de France, depuis l’an M.D.XIII by Du Bellay, Martin Chez Jean Houze, ParSee Sold Price
Sold1700 VELLUM BOUND JESUIT C.LAPIDE BIBLE COMMENTARY FOLIO antiqueLapide, C.C. a (= C. van den Steen). Hebrew bible commentaries 1 VOLUME ONLY (out of 6) Antwerp, 1700 Folio. Size 9 by 13.5" Spine decorated in gilt. Some wear, toning, foxing. Vellum bound. Binding iSee Sold Price
Sold1700 VELLUM BOUND JESUIT C.LAPIDE BIBLE COMMENTARY FOLIO antiqueLapide, C.C. a ( C. van den Steen). Hebrew bible commentaries 1 VOLUME ONLY (out of 6) Antwerp, 1700 Folio. Size 9 by 13.5" Spine decorated in gilt. Some wear, toning, foxing. Vellum bound. Binding isSee Sold Price
1756 LEXICON Greek literature & Language Hesychius of Alexandria ANTIQUE FOLIO$400Jan 30, 2025Zevantiques
1621 J. BUXTORF Lexicon Hebraicum & Chaldaicum JUDAICA antique VELLUM BINDING$300Jan 30, 2025Zevantiques
1735 PHILOSOPHY antique PIGSKIN BOUND FOLIO Philosophia scholae Scotisticae$450Jan 30, 2025Zevantiques
1631-1634 SERMONS by Jesuit Matthias Faber in LATIN antique PIGSKIN FOLIO 3 VOLS$950Jan 30, 2025Zevantiques
1562 JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS HISTORY of JEWS antique PIGSKIN 16th CENTURY FOLIO Judaica$950Feb 15, 2025Zevantiques
1610 ROMAN MISSAL antique ILLUSTRATED FOLIO PIGSKIN BINDING rare 17th CENTURY$950Feb 15, 2025Zevantiques
1657 BIBLE in HEBREW & GREEK antique MASSIVE FOLIO PIGSKIN OLD & NEW TESTAMENT$1,400Feb 15, 2025Zevantiques
1593 Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini Politiani antique PIGSKIN FOLIO 16th CENT.$4601 day LeftJasper52
1730 BIBLE 2 volumes LATIN GERMAN BIBLIA antique HAND TOOLED PIGSKIN BOUND FOLIO$3401 day LeftJasper52
1630 Friedrich Forner antique PIGSKIN FOLIO Rex Hebronensis Psalmus Miserere Mei$3801 day LeftJasper52
1676 J. BUXTORF Lexicon Hebraicum & Chaldaicum JUDAICA antique VELLUM BINDING$220Jan 22, 2025Jasper52