Boxed Lionel modern O 11719 Coastal Freight special diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$70(4 bids)3 days Left
Lionel modern O 16859 Grand Central Terminal Passenger Station in original box 250/250Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$15(3 bids)3 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern Canadian Pacific F3 diesel freight service station setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$25(2 bids)3 days Left
Unopened Lionel modern O 11749 Western Maryland freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$30(3 bids)3 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern O 11733 Feather River diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$50(3 bids)3 days Left
Lionel modern O Port of Lionel City Dive Team set in original box 11920Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$20(3 bids)3 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern O 11718 Norfolk & Southern Dash 8-40C unit train setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Mint Lionel modern O 11701 Rail Blazer Rock Island freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Lionel modern era O 31984 Midwest Freight diesel freight set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Three Lionel modern O accessories in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Lionel modern O 1577 The Libery Special bicentennial diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Lionel modern O 19107 Southern Pacific Daylight full vista dome extruded aluminum car in OBToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
SoldModern Lionel O Gauge Archive BC 3 pack and Sinclair Diecast Tank Cars 3 packModern Lionel O Gauge Archive BC 3 pack and Sinclair Diecast Tank Cars 3 pack, each in C10 and each in its original box.See Sold Price
SoldLionel Archive BC 3 Pack (NIB) Modern Era Lionel, 6-39211 Lionel 6-39211 Archive BC 3 Pack WABASHModern Era Lionel, 6-39211 Lionel 6-39211 Archive BC 3 Pack WABASH KANSAS & Gulf O Gauge NEW In Box. C - 9.9+ Original Box C-8.5+See Sold Price
SoldLionel 6464 Archive Box Car 3 Pack Set No. 6-39211Lionel O-Gauge 6464 Archive Box Car 3 Pack The set is in good condition in the box. The outer box has some wear from storage. Set No. 6-39211.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 6464 Archive Box Car 3 Pack Set No. 6-39273Lionel O-Gauge 6464 Archive Box Car 3 Pack The set is in good condition in the box. The outer box has some wear from storage. Set No. 6-39273See Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Amtrak Acela Passenger Car 3 Pack Boxed #6 - 15584Lionel Modern O Gauge Amtrak Acela Passenger Car 3 Pack Boxed #6 - 15584, in C10 and with its sealed box and original shipping container.See Sold Price
SoldLionel O Gauge 6-82640 UTLX 30k Gallon Tank Car 3-PackLionel O Gauge 6-82640 UTLX 30k Gallon Tank Car 3-Pack in original shelf worn box.See Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Northern Pacific Steel Sided Refrigerator Car 3 Pack and Dairyman's CarLionel Modern O Gauge Northern Pacific Steel Sided Refrigerator Car 3 Pack and Dairyman's League Operating Milk Car Boxed, each in C9 and each with its original box.See Sold Price
SoldLionel O Gauge 27792 Archive Pastel Freight 3-pack in original boxLionel O Gauge 27792 Archive Pastel Freight 3-pack in original box, all cars are C8-9 unrun in original packaging, the outer box is very good with some shelf induced scratches on underside only,See Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Operating Icing Station and PFE Ice Car/4 Assorted Freight Cars/ATSF HopperLionel Modern O Gauge Operating Icing Station and PFE Ice Car/4 Assorted Freight Cars/ATSF Offset Hopper 3 pack, including ATSF offset hopper 3 pack in C7 plus to C8 minus overall condition and with iSee Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge U.S. Steel Slag Car 3 pack #6 - 39443 - Train Orders Building - 1994 TTOS SetNew Lionel O Gauge U.S. Steel Slag Car 3 pack #6 - 39443 - Train Orders Building - 1994 TTOS Ford Tank Car/Hopper/Gondola Set, each in C9 and each in its original box.See Sold Price
SoldModern Lionel O Gauge Pacific Fruit Express Steel Sided Refrigerator 3-pack & Pacific Fruit ExpressModern Lionel O Gauge Pacific Fruit Express Steel Sided Refrigerator 3 - pack and Pacific Fruit Express Steel Sided Refrigerator Car X3, each in C9/C10 and each in its original box.See Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge BNSF ACF 3 Bay Covered Hopper 2 pack and Three (3) Assorted Freight CarsNew Lionel O Gauge BNSF ACF 3 Bay Covered Hopper 2 pack and Three (3) Assorted Freight Cars, including 9300 Western Maryland 3 bay Hopper with load #6 - 17129, 50' Modern Box Car Union Pacific #6 - 17See Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge BNSF ACF 3 Bay Covered Hopper 2 pack and Three (3) Assorted Freight CarsNew Lionel O Gauge BNSF ACF 3 Bay Covered Hopper 2 pack and Three (3) Assorted Freight Cars, including 9300 Western Maryland 3 bay Hopper with load #6 - 17129, 50' Modern Box Car Union Pacific #6 - 17See Sold Price
SoldLionel O gauge 30121 Santa Fe Baby Madison 3-car packModern era Lionel O gauge 30121 Santa Fe Baby Madison passenger car 3-pack in original boxes. 35198 Hollywood coach 734, 35199 Golden State diner 750, and 35201 Sacramento observation 830, light run tSee Sold Price
SoldLionel (LTI) - 39211: (O Gauge) - "6464" Box Car 3-pack #2 w/OBLionel (LTI) - 39211: (O Gauge) - "6464" Box Car 3-pack #2 / in Original Box / Condition: C10See Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Madison Car 4 packLionel Modern O Gauge Madison Penn Car 4 pack #6 29061/Manual Crossing Gate/Windmill/Lionel Villa Street Lamps/90 degree Crossover/Manual Diecast Walkout Cantilever Signal/153 IR Controller/TMCC SC 2See Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Eight (8) Assorted Freight Cars and Three (3) Assorted AccessoriesLionel Modern O Gauge Eight (8) Assorted Freight Cars and Three (3) Assorted Accessories, including Wisconsin Central Flat Car with bulkheads and stakes, Glow-In the Dark AEC Tank Car, TTOS Flat Car wSee Sold Price
SoldModern Lionel O Gauge 29282 6464 Archive 3pk set in factory sealed boxModern Era Lionel O Gauge 29282 6464 Archive 3-pack set in factory sealed original box, C10. Factory wrap has a very small tear to seam at a corner (about an inch). Please view the photos of the itemsSee Sold Price
SoldModern Lionel O Gauge 39242 6464 Archive set in boxModern Era Lionel O Gauge 39242 6464 Archive Boxcar 3-Pack set in original boxes. Trains look C8++ light run time. Inner boxes show no wear, outer master only shows a tiny bit of "opening&See Sold Price
SoldNew Lionel O Gauge Assorted Seven (7) Freight Cars andNew Lionel O Gauge Assorted Seven (7) Freight Cars and Crane in Original Boxes, including 6464 Archive 3 – pack set, Santa Fe flat car with trailer, truck with crane, Arizona California Husky StSee Sold Price
SoldModern Era Lionel O gauge 16301 9148 9302 9215 16375 in original boxesModern Era Lionel O gauge 16301 barrel ramp car, 9148 Duppont 3 dome tank car, 9302 L&N Louisville and Nashville searchlight car, 9215 NW Norfolk & Western boxcar, 16375 New York Central flatSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern O Gauge Eleven (11) Assorted Freight CarsLionel Modern O Gauge Eleven (11) Assorted Freight Cars, including Johnny Cash Box Car, A&W box Car, Magnolia 3 Dome Tank Car, Searchlight Car, Union Pacific Famous American Railroad Piggyback Flat CaSee Sold Price
SoldLionel O gauge 51300 8124 Shell single dome diecastModern era Lionel O gauge 51300 8124 Shell single dome die-cast semi scale die-cast tank car, no box. Train looks C9-10, unrun.See Sold Price
Sold1998 Lionel O gauge set of four die cast tanks cars1998 Lionel O gauge set of four die cast tanks cars #26936 in original boxes with set box. The set of four die cast tank cars include: #26941 white and red Getty tank car, a #26942 green Sinclair OilsSee Sold Price
Pre-War Lionel Lines O Gauge 820 & 2620 Searchlight CarsGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(584)$405 days Left
(4) Pre-War Lionel Lines O Gauge Train Cars w/ CabooseGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(584)$450(8 bids)5 days Left
Lionel O gauge 3177 2124W Conventional Classics GG-1 passenger set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$110(6 bids)3 days Left
Lionel O gauge Monon diesel locomotive and mixed box carsToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$45(2 bids)3 days Left
Lionel O gauge 6-1970 Southern Pacific Limited diesel freight set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Lionel modern O Canadian Pacific Postwar Celebration series passenger car 2-pack 39106Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$10(2 bids)3 days Left
K-Line O gauge K623-1252A C&O die cast hopper 4 Pac set in carton ONLY 3 carsToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern O 11744 New Yorker RS-3 diesel setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern O 11738 Soo Line Special diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Lionel modern O 52311 TCA 50th Golden Anniversary Limited Edition freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$10(2 bids)3 days Left
Boxed Lionel modern O 11719 Coastal Freight special diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$70(4 bids)3 days Left
Lionel modern O 11020 Harry Potter Hogwarts Express passenger setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$110(4 bids)3 days Left
Lionel modern O 1584 Norfolk & Western Spirit of America bicentennial diesel freight setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Lionel modern O 2002 TCA 52240 gondola 3-pack plus 52241 black gondolaToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Lionel modern O 26713 Western Maryland flat car 3-pack in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
MTH Premier O gaugeStrasburg 3-car passenger set in original boxes 20-62065 A B CToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Three Lionel MPC era O gauge freight cars in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
MTH premier O Union Pacific Maintenance of Way weedsprayer setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Lionel 26977 set of 3 Sinclair die cast tank cars in original box in shipperToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$53 days Left
Unused Lionel O gauge 11028 Santa Fe Super set diesel passenger setToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left
Lionel modern era O 31984 Midwest Freight diesel freight set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(440)$5(1 bid)3 days Left