152 Pieces of Royal Doulton Translucent China, "Tapestry"Langston Auction Gallery4.7(504)$1503 hrs Left
12 Royal Doulton Gilt Porcelain Art Deco Dinner Plates Monogrammed circa 1910Taylor & Harris4.7(161)$400(1 bid)6 days Left
c1910 Royal Doulton Baby Rose 10 1/2" Dinner PlatesGOLDEN SUN AUCTIONS, Inc.4.6(583)$40(1 bid)6 days Left
12 Royal Doulton England Gilt Porcelain Enameled Dinner Plates circa 1950Taylor & Harris4.7(161)$4006 days Left
Set of Twelve Royal Doulton Gilt Decorated Porcelain Dinner Plates Retailed by Higgins & SeiterDOYLE Auctioneers & Appraisers4.6(168)$3002 days Left
SoldRegal Lady HN2709 - Royal Doulton FigurineArtist: Peggy Davies Issued: 1975 - 1983 Dimensions: 7.5"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldRegal Lady - HN2709 - Royal Doulton FigurineAdorned in a turquoise and cream colored gown, this elegant figure belongs to the Peggy Davies Classic series. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Peggy Davies Issued: 1975 - 1983 Dimensions: 6"L x 4.5"WSee Sold Price
SoldRoyal Doulton Figurine, Regal Lady HN2709Part of Peggy Davies Classic Collection series. Royal Doulton Backstamp. Artist: Peggy Davies Issued: 1975 - 1983 Dimensions: 7.5"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldRoyal Doulton Figurine: Regal LadyMaker: Royal Doulton Title: Regal Lady Size: 7.75 inches tall Date: 1975-83 Reference: HN2709 Royal Doulton is an English company producing tableware and collectables, dating from 1815. Operating origSee Sold Price
SoldRoyal Doulton Figurines, Regal Lady and JanineTwo (2) Royal Doulton Figurines, Regal Lady NH 2709, Janine HN 2451, tallest 8"See Sold Price
Sold3 Royal Doulton FiguresIncluding "Winsome" HN2220, "Regal Lady" HN2709, "Cavalier" HN2716, (4093) Very good condition.See Sold Price
SoldProposal Lady HN715 - Royal Doulton FigurineCouples series. Seated lady in burgundy and black dress. Made as pair to HN725. Royal Doulton backstamp. Potted by Doulton & Co. hand-written on base. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1925 - 1940 DimeSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Lady HN1529 - Royal Doulton FigurineFigure is dressed in ruffled, tiered dress colored in orange and green. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 20th century Dimensions: 4.5"L x 4.5"W x 8"H Manufacturer: Royal DoultSee Sold Price
SoldLido Lady - HN1220 - Royal Doulton FigurineGlossy finish porcelain depicting a young woman wearing a beach top and bottoms, seated with her dog. The name for this figure may have been taken from a Noel Coward song satirizing the modern fashionSee Sold Price
SoldSpanish Lady HN1309 - Royal Doulton FigurineGlazed figural in traditional dress colored in red, blue and black. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: L. Harradine Issued: 1929-1940 Dimensions: 4"L x 4"W x 8.25"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton CountrySee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Lady HN727 - Royal Doulton FigurineShe wears a voluminous yellow dress with a pink fringed shawl and a black bonnet with a red feather. Royal Doulton backstamp. Box not included. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1925 - 1938 Dimensions:See Sold Price
SoldPretty Lady Prototype - Royal Doulton FigurineElegantly dressed in orange and yellow gown with floral design. Royal Doulton backstamp. Marked Prototype Only to base. Dimensions: 6.75"L x 5"W x 8.75"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin:See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian Lady HN728 - Royal Doulton FigurineWoman in pink dress with a blue shawl and hat. Doulton backstamp. Marked Potted By Doulton and Co. #royaldoulton #victorianlady Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1925 - 1952 Dimensions: 8"H ManufactureSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Lady HN728 - Royal Doulton FigurineHarradine classics. Pink and purple coloration. Marked Potted By Doulton and Co. Doulton backstamp. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1925-1952 Dimensions: 8"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country oSee Sold Price
SoldLido Lady HN4247 - Royal Doulton FigurineSecond version. Young lady in a pink outfit, sitting on a pedestal holding a puppy. Inspired by the original model by Leslie Harradine exclusively for the Royal Doulton International Collectors Club.See Sold Price
SoldLido Lady - HN4247 - Royal Doulton FigurineArtist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 2000 - 2001 Dimensions: 6.75"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldBalloon Lady HN2935 - Royal Doulton FigurineBalloon character series. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Peter Gee Issued: 1984 - 2009 Dimensions: 8.25"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Lady HN728 - Royal Doulton FigurineLady in a pink ruffled dress, a purple shawl, and bonnet. Series: Harradine Classics. Royal Doulton backstamp. Weight: 14.2 oz Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1925 - 1952 Dimensions: 7.75"H ManufactuSee Sold Price
SoldLido Lady HN4247 - Royal Doulton FigurineArtist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 2000 - 2001 Dimensions: 6.75"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldOrange Lady HN1953 - Royal Doulton FigurineElderly woman in a light green dress with a green and red plaid throw, holding two baskets of oranges. Series: Street Vendor. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 1940 - 1975 DimeSee Sold Price
SoldFair Lady HN2832 - Royal Doulton FigurinePart of the Peggy Davies Classic collection. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Peggy Davies Issued: 1977 - 1996 Dimensions: 7.25"H Manufacturer: Royal Doulton Country of Origin: EnglandSee Sold Price
SoldFair Lady HN2832 - Royal Doulton FigurinePorcelain glazed figurine; a beautiful woman in a red gown. This lovely piece was perhaps inspired by the heroine in the musical My Fair Lady, based on G.B. Shaw's Pygmalion. Since their inception inSee Sold Price
SoldOrange Lady HN4810 - Royal Doulton FigurineShe's keeping warm and comfortable in a long pink dress and patterned shawl. Series: Street Vendors. Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist: Leslie Harradine Issued: 2005 - 2008 Dimensions: 5"H Manufacturer:See Sold Price
A Selection of Lady Figurines to Include Francesca Art 'Glencora' Coalport 'Shelley', RoyalPotteries Auctions Ltd4.4(57)£14(2 bids)5 Lots Away
Francesca Art China Lady Figurines To Include Lavinia, Alexandra, Diana Tallest 20cm (3)Potteries Auctions Ltd4.4(57)£10(1 bid)6 Lots Away
Royal Doulton Orange Lady Fagin Tiny Tim FigurinesRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)$8015 hrs Left