Enamel ~ Antique & Vintage Items
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News about Enamel

Monumental bronze and enamel vases hammered for $210K at Akiba to lead our five auction highlights

Monumental bronze and enamel vases hammered for $210K at Akiba to lead our five auction highlights

[av_heading heading=’Monumental bronze and enamel vases hammered for $210K at Akiba to lead our five auction highlights’ tag=’h1′ style=” subheading_active=” show_icon=” icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” subheading_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” icon_size=” av-desktop-font-size-1=” av-medium-font-size-1=” av-small-font-size-1=” av-mini-font-size-1=” color=” custom_font=” subheading_color=” seperator_color=” icon_color=” margin=’,,35px,’ av-desktop-margin=” av-desktop-margin_sync=’true’ av-medium-margin=” av-medium-margin_sync=’true’ av-small-margin=’,,20px,’ av-mini-margin=” av-mini-margin_sync=’true’ headline_padding=” headline_padding_sync=’true’ av-desktop-headline_padding=” av-desktop-headline_padding_sync=’true’ […]

French bronze and enamel vases lead Autumn’s Arrival auction at Akiba Galleries Sept. 12

French bronze and enamel vases lead Autumn’s Arrival auction at Akiba Galleries Sept. 12

[av_heading heading=’French bronze and enamel vases lead Autumn’s Arrival auction at Akiba Galleries Sept. 12′ tag=’h1′ style=” subheading_active=” show_icon=” icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ size=” av-desktop-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” subheading_size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” icon_size=” av-desktop-font-size-1=” av-medium-font-size-1=” av-small-font-size-1=” av-mini-font-size-1=” color=” custom_font=” subheading_color=” seperator_color=” icon_color=” margin=’,,35px,’ av-desktop-margin=” av-desktop-margin_sync=’true’ av-medium-margin=” av-medium-margin_sync=’true’ av-small-margin=’,,20px,’ av-mini-margin=” av-mini-margin_sync=’true’ headline_padding=” headline_padding_sync=’true’ av-desktop-headline_padding=” av-desktop-headline_padding_sync=’true’ av-medium-headline_padding=” av-medium-headline_padding_sync=’true’ […]


Enamel lots are available at auction on LiveAuctioneers. singular Enamel works. This unique Enamel selection offers an extensive selection of remarkable items such as Brooches & Pins, Tableware & Barware, Necklaces & Pendants, Rings, Earrings, and more. If you’re looking for more alternatives, many shoppers also enjoy exploring works in other trending materials/ techniques such as gold, silver, diamond, and bronze.