Champion Macau Winter Auction 2018-11-24 Auction - 384 Price Results - Champion Macau Auction in MA
CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Li Yuan Hung (with Hat) One DollarCHINA-KWEICHOW 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, a car door withCHINA 1995 Romance of the Three Kingdomse?Series
Macau, Macao
Auction Details

Champion Macau Winter Auction

champion Macau winter auction
CHINA 1944-1949 Central Bank of China (5): CHINA 1944 Central Bank of China 50 Yuan (D/B 083181), Pick 255, S/M C300-200, PMG Choice AU58;CHINA 1945 Central Bank of China 500 Yuan (BC644064), Pick 284, S/M C300-240, PMG Choice AU58;CHINA 1945
0016: CHINA 1944-1949 Central Bank of China (5)Est. $100-$200
See Sold Price
CHINA 1946 Central Bank of China 10: CHINA 1946 Central Bank of China 10 Cents(3) (4B690541/4B690544/4B690581), P395, Printer: TDLR, S/M C302-10, Kann Collection, PMG-GU66EPQ
0018: CHINA 1946 Central Bank of China 10Est. $30-$60
See Sold Price