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Vilnius, Lithuania
Auction Details
Jaunimo linija charity auction
Lithuanian modern art from some of the greatest Lithuanian artists with all money collected during the auction to be donated to Jaunimo linija!
Jaunimo linija (Youth Line) is one of the largest NGOs providing free emotional support by telephone and internet in Lithuania. The hotline has been offering support for the last 29 years and currently has >300 volunteers in 4 branches.
Since 1991, Jaunimo linija volunteers have answered over 1 million phone calls for help. Anyone who is in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide can contact the hotline 24/7, 365 days per year. Jaunimo linija volunteers are here to hear everyone via free telephone line, email or online.
In addition to the daily operation of emotional support line, Jaunimo linija works in the field of educating society (young people, parents, teachers, etc.) on emotional health topics. We provide trainings, lectures, participate in public events, create content in media and social media.