May O gauge Trains 2022-05-14 Auction - 179 Price Results - Elliott Auctions in IN
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Modern Era Lionel O Gauge Spirit of '76 complete set in original boxes 7610Modern Era Lionel O Gauge 1284 1501 sets in original boxesModern Era K Line O Gauge 3002 Pennsylvania 4-6-2 steam loco and tender
Attica, IN, United States
Auction Details

May O gauge Trains

Join us May 14th at 10 am EST as Elliott Auctions LLC will offer a great variety of O gauge Trains and accessories from many of your favorite brands. A nice selection of electric trains will also be included in this auction. Everyone will want to be in attendance. Modern era, postwar era, and prewar era trains of steam, diesel, and electric. There will be freight cars, passenger cars, and operating cars. Accessories, transformers, track, switches, controllers, and much more. Boxed sets from both postwar and modern eras. A short run through of manufacturers would include and certainly not be limited to: American Flyer, LGB, Lionel, MTH Railking, K-Line, General Models, Marx, and others. This will be another day long event so be sure to go to and get registered to bid and then download our app so you can be in attendance while on the go using your favorite Apple or Android powered device. Please feel free to contact us about consigning your toy trains or collectibles to an upcoming auction. Gregory Elliott Elliott Auctions LLC Owner Auctioneer AU12100046 765-762-9300