2024Potteries Auctions LtdMinton Moon Flask, painted & signed Antonin Boullemier, decorated with images of Putti, heightSee Sold Price
2023Potteries Auctions LtdMinton Moon flask decorated with a cherub standing on a poppy, painted and signed by AntoninSee Sold Price
2023John Nicholson AuctioneersA SET OF FOUR MINTON PLATES PAINTED DECORATION BY ANTONIN BOULLEMIER, each with pierced borders, theSee Sold Price
2022Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd19th c. Minton vase and cover painted with an unclothed fairy swinging from a vine strongly attributSee Sold Price
2022Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd19th c. Minton moon flask painted with the portrait of a girl in gilt panel on a blue celeste groundSee Sold Price