Sold**5¢ The Dewey Musical Upright Floor Wheel SlotWood musical cabinet with round glass display featuring Admiral Dewey. Cast iron claw feet, coin dispenser, lower panel, and top coin inserts with copper flash finish. Having a replacement glass and tSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Mills The Dewey Upright Floor Wheel Slot Machine.A fine floor model single wheel slot machine with dark stained oak cabinet and nickel plated fixtures. With a six-way coin head that offers players multiple chances to win a payout. The original tin lSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Mills Novelty Co. Dewey Upright Floor Wheel SlotThis floor model machine features a six way coin head and original tin litho color wheel. The wood cabinet has been nicely refinished but shows some discoloration on the right side. Replacement glue cSee Sold Price
SoldMills Dewey "The Dewey" 5 Cent Upright Slot MachineUpright Slot machine, Mills Dewey jackpot 25 cent, “Two Bits” 6-way accepts up to six quarters at a time, in oak Musical cabinet. The front glass and wheel isn’t original. The MSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Berger Oom-Paul Upright Floor Wheel Slot MachineA great early upright color wheel payout machine similar to "The American Beauty", the only major difference being the payout on this machine is activated by an electrical contact which then engages tSee Sold Price
Sold**25¢ Mills Dewey Jackpot Musical Slot MachineStand alone floor wheel slot machine. Oak cabinet with ornate cast metal adornments including gargoyle claw feet, hound dog faces, and side handles in the style of owl heads. Features original color wSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Mills Novelty Co. Chicago Musical Upright FloorThis floor model machine features a six way coin head. Wood has a nice finish and the castings show patina and some show loss to the original nickel plating. With the original lithograph wheel and faiSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Mills Judge Upright Musical Slot MachineOutstanding example of a rare original 1898 Judge musical upright slot machine with a music box, original castings and tin litho color wheel marked American Can Co. The Judge upright slot machine hasSee Sold Price
Sold25¢ Mills Dewey upright color wheel slot machine, 1913,25¢ Mills Dewey upright color wheel slot machine, 1913, the quarter sawn oak case surmounted by an ornately molded six coin slot dispenser and inset with a reverse painted glass color wheel with alteSee Sold Price
Sold1899 Mills "Duplex" 5 Cent Upright Slot MachineVery nice Mills "The Duplex" 5 cent single wheel upright cabinet slot machine . Very nice working condition with oak cabinet, heavily carved ornate designs, copper accents, and claw feet. Face has excSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Mills Novelty Mills Cricket Upright Slot Machine.Upright floor model slot machine produced by Mills Novelty between 1903-1918. This machine features beautiful quarter sawn oak with carved floral and egg & dart molding, and recessed panels, as well aSee Sold Price
SoldMusical Cabinet Upright Slot Machinewith associated stool Slot Machine: 63 3/4 x 27 1/2 x 16 1/4 in. (161.9 x 69.9 x 41.3 cm.), Stool: 19 1/2 x 14 3/4 x 12 1/2 in. (49.5 x 37.5 x 31.8 cm.) Provenance: Estate of Thomas Cy Mouradick, NewpSee Sold Price
Sold5 Pace Royal Comet Club Bell Slot MachineThe Pace Mfg. Co. made this Royal Comet Club upright floor model console slot machine in 1937. An interesting feature is the payout tray is hidden until the player pulls it out to collect their winninSee Sold Price
SoldFive cent Caille "Caille Eclipse" upright floor modelFive cent Caille "Caille Eclipse" upright floor model slot machine circa 1904, having a quartersawn oak case with nickel trim, surmounted by the six slot coin head, single tin lithographic wheel, andSee Sold Price
Sold5¢ MILLS DEWEY "THE ROOSEVELT" CONVERSION UPRIGHT SLOT MACHINEThis is a Mills Novelty Co. 5¢ Dewey upright slot that has been converted to be called "The Roosevelt." CONDITION: The Admiral Dewey face graphic on the wheel has been replaced with a Teddy RooseSee Sold Price
Sold5¢ CAILLE BROS NEW CENTURY PUCK UPRIGHT SLOT MACHINE.c. 1908. Oak case with copper flash castings. Excellent tin wheel, an older restoration with new back door. Plays and pays, with keys. This is not a standard shippable item and will require 3rd partySee Sold Price
SoldMills "The Judge" Upright Slot MachineAmerican. 1899. Panelled quarter-sawn oak case with nickel trim. Professionally restored including a refinished case, replaced color wheel and replated trim. Access keys included. 63.5H" x 22.5"L x 16See Sold Price
SoldJennings Ciga-Rolla Floor Model Slot Machine/TradeDoes not work, missing back door, has key, shows wear, one wheel has some damage, cracks in the wood case, 5-20 cents, play 5 cents and take a chance at winning 1-10 packs of your choice of six differSee Sold Price
SoldCoin Op "4 Bells" 5 Cent Floor Model Slot Machine*NO SHIPPING! - PICKUP OR THIRD PARTY TRANSPORT ONLY* Unusual floor model, 3 reel slot machine, manufactured by Mills Novelty Company. The rarity of this machine back in its day is that you could playSee Sold Price
SoldCaille "Bull-Frog" Upright Slot MachineVery nice Caille "Bull-Frog" 5 cent upright cabinet slot machine . Very nice working condition with oak cabinet, heavily carved ornate designs, nickel plated accents, and claw feet. Cabinet is in verySee Sold Price
Sold5¢ D.N. SCHALL INTERNATIONAL TRADE STIMULATOR.The International by D. N. Schall and Company 5 ¢ single wheel slot machine circa 1898. Restored finish to the oak case, re-plated castings with original wheel and paper instruction sheet. Working weSee Sold Price
Sold**French 10¢ Caille Ben Hur Floor Model Slot Machine.This unique floor model single wheel slot machine, produced by Caille for use overseas, operates with French 10 centimes coins. Housed in a nice oak cabinet, the lower portion of which exhibits some wSee Sold Price
SoldMills Dewey glass insert [and] portrait for the “Mills Dewey “Two-Bits” uprightMills Dewey glass insert [and] portrait for the “Mills Dewey “Two-Bits” upright slot machine. [Chicago: Mills Novelty Co., ca. 1899]. Circular glass insert with hand-painted AmericanSee Sold Price
Sold**5¢ Watling's Exchange Counter Wheel Slot Machine.This is a countertop slot machine with central wheel, manufactured by Watling Mfg. Co. in 1910. It is housed in a tiger stripe oak cabinet with ornate cast iron hardware and a matching replacement 5-wSee Sold Price
Modernist LAUREL Chrome and Steel Floor Lamp. 5 Chrome Tubes support Bulbs. Laurel Label.Uniques and Antiques, Inc.4.7(815)$754 days Left
Vintage Mills Novelty Co. '1776' Liberty Bell 5¢ Candy Slot MachineLeland Little4.5(694)$250(2 bids)6 days Left
Mills Novelty Co., "The Judge" Oak Slot MachineStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(105)$4,400Feb 26, 2025
Caille Bros., New Century Detroit Slot MachineStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(105)$7,500Feb 26, 2025
The New Century Musical "Puck" Slot MachineStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(105)$11,000Feb 26, 2025