SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL EMPIRE MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century. Watercolor on paper. The artwork depicts Shiva and Parvati seated on tiger skin atop the summit of Mount Kailash.See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL EMPIRE MINIATURE PAINTINGSA lot of antique Indian miniature paintings. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century. Watercolor on paper. A total of 6 pieces created by artists of various painting schools. Pahari Devi serieSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL EMPIRE MINIATURE PAINTINGSA lot of antique Indian miniature paintings. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century. Watercolor on paper. A total of 6 pieces created by artists of various painting schools. Mughal school, coSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING FROM PADSHAHNAMAAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. An illustrated book page depicting a royal court scene, a candlelit horse procession. An illustration for Padshahnama, ChSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL HINDUIST MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 19th century. Rajput tradition. Gouache on paper. The piece depicts a Hinduist subject, a Lord Krishna enthroned with his consort, atteSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING KRISHNA AND GOPIAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 19th century. The artwork illustrates a Hinduist story of Sri Krishna dancing with gopis in landscape scenery. Fine detail work. KrishnSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING KRISHNA AND GOPIAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 19th century. The artwork illustrates a Hinduist story of gopis giving Sri Krishna jewelry. Fine detail work. Krishna is a major deitySee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE STILL LIFE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, first half of the 19th century. Watercolor and ink on paper. The artwork depicts lily flowers and a butterfly. Floral ornamental borderSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE 19TH C INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. An illustrated book page with handwritten Arabic text. The illustration depicts the appearance of an angel to the noble mSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING KRISHNA W RADHAAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. The artwork illustrates a Hinduist scene depicting Shri Radha taking rest and sleeping while Shri Krishna fanning Shri RaSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING ROYAL FEASTAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, first half of the 19th century. Gouache and ink on paper. The artwork depicts a scene of a royal feast on a palace terrace. Orange mat,See Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING KRISHNA AND GOPIAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. The artwork illustrates a Hinduist story of Sri Krishna stealing gopis garments. Fine detail work. Decorative floral framSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL COURT SCENE MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century. Watercolor and ink on paper. The artwork depicts a court scene, a shah receiving his retinue. Two guardian elephaSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING OF PROPHET YUSUFAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. An illustration of the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha, young women admiring Yusufs beauty. Fine detail work. White mat. YusuSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT PAGEAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century. Watercolor and ink on paper. The artwork depicts a horse. Arabic and Hindi texts on both sides. Collectible OrienSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE 19TH C INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period, 1526 to 1858. An illustrated book page with handwritten Arabic text on both sides. The illustration depicts the meeting of two lovers.See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE 19TH C INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique early 19th-century Indian miniature painting. Late Mughal Empire period. A page from an illsutrated book with a picture in the central part and Arabic inscriptions on the top, bottom, and sSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING TIGER ATTACKAn antique Indian miniature watercolor painting on paper. Late Mughal Empire period, 18th to 19th century.The painting depicts a dramatic scene of a tiger attacking a man and armed men trying to saveSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MINIATURE MUGHAL PAINTING MAHARAJAAn antique Indian Mughal miniature mixed media painting on paper depicting a Noble portrait of Empire Maharaja in bold colors and with fine detail. Unsigned. Circa: 19th century. Maharaja, an administSee Sold Price
Antique Miniature Japtripatti Jagannath PaintingIndian miniature paintings, along with other miniature arts, were introduced by the Muslim rulers during the Mughal Empire and flourished between the 16th and 18th century. Originally, the miniaturesSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL MINIATURE PAINTING ON SILKAn antique Indian Mughal school hand painted watercolor and gouache on silk miniature depicting a court scene of Maharajah in his palace receiving his ministers. Matted within a flower design rim. FraSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL NOBLEMAN MINIATURE PAINTINGAn antique Indian Mughal school painting depicting a nobleman, executed in opaque colors on paper, represents an exquisite example of Mughal miniature artistry. Mughal miniatures are renowned for theiSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL CALLIGRAPHY MINIATURE PAINTINGSThree antique Indian Mughal ink, gouache and gold color on paper miniature paintings, each depicts an original theme such as a romantic scene or three ladies followed by a horse rider. One miniature sSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE INDIAN MUGHAL PAINTING ON SILKAn antique Indian Mughal hand painted on silk miniature depicting a street scene with numerous figures. Matted. Dates to the19th century. Antique Indian Mughal Miniatures And Paintings For Collectors.See Sold Price
Maharaja Procession, Original Miniature Rajput Painting on Silk, India, FramedFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$50019 hrs Left
Duck Trinket Box, Lacquered Paper Mache, Kashmir Valley, India 1880sFrost & Nicklaus4.7(202)$16(2 bids)19 hrs Left
INDIAN MUGHAL MANNER HAND PAINTED PAPER MACHE WALL ARTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(862)$70(2 bids)3 days Left
INDIA. Moghul Mogul Mughal Empire. Goa Kochi Chaul &c. MALLET 1683 old mapJasper524.5(9.8k)$403 hrs Left
Original Indian Mughal Miniature Peafowl Painting w/Gold Foil FramedArarity Auctions4.6(167)$25(1 bid)Feb 23, 2025
Azure Majesty: Peacock's Oasis Miniature Painting by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Stillness Embodied: A Sparrow's humble abode Miniature Painting by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Gift of Nature: A Hoopoe's Oasis Miniature Painting by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Glimpses of Paradise: Mughal Miniature Postcard Unveiling a Captivating Hoopoe by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Symphony of Nature: A Kingfisher's Mughal Miniature Magic by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Charismatic Aviary:Kingfishers Mughal Miniature Journey through Nature's Splendor by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Wings of Majesty: Mughal Miniature Postcard Unveiling Nature's Brilliance by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Whispers of Serenity: Mughal Miniature Postcard by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Wetland Whispers: A Hoopoe's portrayal Miniature Painting by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025
Enchanting Flutters Of A Parrot: A Mughal Miniature Postcard Celebrating Nature by Mohan PrajapatiMasterpiece Art Auctions$1,250Apr 01, 2025