SoldArchaic Eastern Woodland Stone Pipe w/ Cavity**Originally Listed At $150** Native American, North America, United States, Athens, Tennessee, Eastern Woodland, Archaic period, 2000 BCE to 200 CE. A hand-carved stone pipe with a slightly conical sSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Eastern Woodlands Stone Pipe Bird FormNative American, central/midwestern United States, Eastern Woodlands, ca. 1000 to 1600 CE, found in Todd County, Kentucky. A charming smoking pipe in the form of a bird lying on its back. Hand-carvedSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Native American Eastern Woodland Stone 3/4 Axe**First Time At Auction** Native American, Eastern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 to 1000 BCE. A stone axe or hammer head with a groove running three-quarters of the circumfSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Hopewell Stone Pipe w/ Kneeling FigureNative American, northeastern United States, Hopewell Indians, Middle Woodland period, ca. 200 to 900 CE. A fine smoking pipe from the Hopewell Indians, hand-carved from a mottled dark-grey stone withSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Woodlands Carved Stone PipeNorth America, Eastern Woodland, ca. 200 to 1000 CE. A handsome pipe carved from a grey stone and presenting a very smooth finish. Platform pipes like this exemplify smoking technology during the MiddSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Cherokee Stone Pipe w/ BearNative American, Cherokee Nation, eastern US, ca. 19th century. Carved stone pipe of gray-black soapstone, stem with angular walls, bowl ovoid. On the front exterior of the bowl is a bear carved in hiSee Sold Price
SoldArchaic Eastern Woodland Slate Butterfly BannerstoneNative American, Midwestern to Southern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 to 1000 BCE. A good example of a bannerstone made from a dark gray banded slate. This stone likely hadSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Eastern Woodland Stone Club HeadNative American, Eastern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic to Woodland period, ca. 5000 BCE to 1000 CE. This is a fine hand pecked stone of a nearly spherical shape with shallower and rough groSee Sold Price
SoldPrehistoric Eastern Woodland Stone Full Groove Axe HeadNative American, Eastern to Midwestern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 8000 to 1000 BCE. A hand-carved axe head of a broad form with a thick butt end, a bifacial blade head, and gSee Sold Price
SoldPrehistoric Eastern Woodland Stone Axe or Adze Head**Originally Listed At $200** Native American, Eastern to Midwestern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 8000 to 1000 BCE. A hand-carved axe or adze head of a broad form with a thickSee Sold Price
SoldEastern Woodlands Stone Full Groove Axe Head**Originally Listed At $350** Native American, Midwestern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 to 3000 BCE. A hand-carved axe head or hand axe of a broad form with a thick butt enSee Sold Price
Sold26 Stone Items & Clay Pipe - Archaic / Woodlands**Originally Listed At $500** North America, Native American, near Illinois/Missouri border area, Archaic to Woodlands period, ca. 5000 BCE to 500 CE. A fantastic collection of twenty-six hand-formedSee Sold Price
SoldWoodlands Native American Stone Human Effigy PipeNative American, central/midwestern United States, Eastern Woodlands, ca. 1000 to 1600 CE. A fascinating stone pipe in the form of a human figure laying on his back with hands on his belly as the bowlSee Sold Price
Sold12 Native American Stone & Pottery ToolsNative American, Midwestern United States, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, and Ohio, Archaic to Eastern Woodland, ca. 100 BCE to 1500 CE. A collection of stone and pottery tools and pendants in a greatSee Sold Price
Sold32 Native American Stone Projectile Points & Tools**Originally Listed At $300** Native American, North America, Mexico & United States, Archaic to Eastern Woodland period, ca. 8000 BCE to 1800 CE (10000 to 200 BP). This is a diverse collection of 32See Sold Price
Sold25 Native American Stone Artifacts**Originally Listed At $350** Native American, United States, Archaic to Eastern Woodland, ca. 5000 BCE to 1500 CE. A set of 25 ancient Native American artifacts including 1 stone disc, 3 lengthy chisSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Woodlands Stone Skull PipeNorth America, Native American, Eastern Woodlands, ca. 200 to 1000 CE. A skull effigy pipe skillfully carved from a hard grey stone, presenting an eerie visage delineated with deep eye orbitals flankiSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Archaic Woodland Stone Axe HeadsNative American, Midwestern to Eastern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic period, ca. 5000 to 3000 BCE. A gathering of 4 stone axe heads, all hand pecked and polished into hefty pounding or cuttSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Eastern Woodland Archaic BannerstoneNorth American, Midwestern United States, Ohio, Hamilton County, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 to 1000 BCE. A fine bannerstone hand-carved from a gray banded slate. The stone is an elongaSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Eastern Woodland Archaic BannerstoneNative American, Southern United States, Missouri, Cole County, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 to 1000 BCE. A fine example of a bannerstone hand-carved and drilled from a nice red clay stone. This bannerstoSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Archaic Woodland Stone Full-Groove AxeNative American, Midwestern United States, Michigan, Farwell, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 5000 BCE (7000 BP). A hefty stone axe head that is hand-pecked from a mottled stone. Across one endSee Sold Price
SoldMassive Archaic Native American Stone Full Groove Axe**Originally Listed At $500** Native American, Midwestern United States, Indiana, Morgan County, Eastern Woodland, Archaic period, ca. 5000 to 3000 BCE. A massive double bitted, full groove axe head pSee Sold Price
SoldEastern Woodlands Archaic Full Groove Axe HeadNative American, Eastern to Midwestern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic Period, ca. 8000 to 1000 BCE. A sizable axe head that is hand-carved from light gray stone. The hefty implement featuresSee Sold Price
Archaic Native American Woodlands Stone Artifacts**Originally Listed At $250** Native American, Midwest to Eastern United States, Eastern Woodland, Archaic to Woodlands Period, ca. 5000 BCE to 1000 CE. A collection of 25 fragmentary pieces of bandedSee Sold Price
A piece of red sandalwood, carved tree nodules, Ganoderma lucidum pattern, inlaid with Qiyang stone,Eastern Art Auction House4.7(143)$1,500(2 bids)2 days Left
A piece of Qing big red sour branch inlaid with multi-treasure Mi Fu worship stone boxEastern Art Auction House4.7(143)$1002 days Left
A large lacquer depiction of the golden Buddha shrine Shoushan hibiscus stone BuddhaEastern Art Auction House4.7(143)$1,900(2 bids)2 days Left
A bronze inlaid turquoise stone with gold and silver star mirrorsEastern Art Auction House4.7(143)$100(1 bid)2 days Left