Mar 09, 2025Broward Auction GalleryAdrian Marinus Everaars (Denmark,1897-1980) oil painting$10(1 bid)
4 days LeftJasper52Ivy Lysdal, b 1937. Danish ceramist and painter. Acrylic on canvas. Abstract modernist painting.$220
4 days LeftJasper52Ole Bj?rn Kr?ger (1922-2007), Danish sculptor and ceramicist. Oil on board. Composition. 1960s /$550
4 days LeftJasper52Peder Br?ndum S?rensen (1931-2003), Danish painter, oil on board. Modernist motif of figure and$320
Featured4 days LeftJasper52Ivy Lysdal, b 1937. Danish ceramist and painter. Acrylic on canvas. Abstract modernist painting.$550
4 days LeftJasper52Ivy Lysdal, b 1937. Danish ceramist and painter. Acrylic on canvas. Abstract modernist painting.$160