JAPANESE SIX-PANEL SCREEN Late Meiji Period Height 46". Width of each approx. 21". Length open 126".Eldred's4.7(417)$350Mar 06, 2025
JAPANESE GILT TWO-PANEL SCREEN Meiji Period Height 67.5". Length opened 72".Eldred's4.7(417)$400Mar 06, 2025
Four-panel screen depicting tree with flowers and inscriptions, Japan, Meiji period (1868-1912)Cambi Casa D'Aste4.3(25)€3002 days Left
French Ormolu Mounted Japanese Lacquer Inkwell, Attributed, Maison MilletDoyen’s LLC4.3(10)$1,7006 days Left
Antique Japanese Shibayama Inlaid 'Shodhana' Cabinet, Meiji EraBlack Rock Galleries4.3(11)$300Mar 12, 2025
SoldMYOCHIN LINEAGE An Iron Jizai Okimono (Articulated Model) of a Dragonfly Meiji era (1868-1912), ...MYOCHIN LINEAGE An Iron Jizai Okimono (Articulated Model) of a Dragonfly Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The dragonfly realistically rendered, the leg joints, segmented abdomen, heSee Sold Price
SoldMYOCHIN LINEAGE An Inlaid Shakudo Jizai Okimono (Articulated Model) of a Swallowtail Butterfly M...MYOCHIN LINEAGE An Inlaid Shakudo Jizai Okimono (Articulated Model) of a Swallowtail Butterfly Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The butterfly realistically rendered, the leg joints,See Sold Price
SoldEdo Period Jizai Okimono Iron Articulated CrayfishThis is a phenomenal Edo period (1603-1868) Myochin Hiroyoshi / Hung-Mei Japanese Jizai Okimono Iron Articulated Crayfish, signed. Provenance: the Owen D. Mort, Jr. Collection. Owen David Mort was anSee Sold Price
SoldHIROYOSHI (DATES UNKNOWN) A Group of Four Articulated Copper Okimono of Crustaceans Meiji (1868-...HIROYOSHI (DATES UNKNOWN) A Group of Four Articulated Copper Okimono of Crustaceans Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926) era, late 19th/20th century Comprising three crayfish and one crab, each witSee Sold Price
SoldSEKI FOR THE NOGAWA COMPANUY OF KYOTO An Inlaid Iron Rectangular Box and Cover Meiji era (1868-1...SEKI FOR THE NOGAWA COMPANUY OF KYOTO An Inlaid Iron Rectangular Box and Cover Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century Inlaid in typical Komai style of gold and silver inlay, the cover witSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese Meiji-Era Jizai Okimono Copper Articulated CrayfishDESCRIPTION: An antique Japanese Meiji-era Jizai Okimono copper articulated crayfish, circa 1890. This is an enameled copper fully articulated crayfish; meticulously detailed, complete, and fully operSee Sold Price
SoldSHOKASAI AND SHIBAYAMA LINEAGE An Inlaid and Gold-Lacquer Four-Case Inro Meiji era (1868-1912), ...SHOKASAI AND SHIBAYAMA LINEAGE An Inlaid and Gold-Lacquer Four-Case Inro Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The lenticular kinji ground decorated in gold and slight-coloured takamaki-See Sold Price
SoldJapanese Kaidan Step TansuAntique Japanese step chest (Kaidan Dansu) Meiji era, CE 1868-1912 Cedar (Sugi) and iron 6'H x 5'W x 27"D In fine condition, solid and with functional sliding doors to each chest area. One niche accesSee Sold Price
SoldAN INLAID IRON CIRCULAR DISH Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th centuryAN INLAID IRON CIRCULAR DISH Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century Supported on a low circular foot, worked throughout in the typical Komai style of silver and gold overlay with a circulSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Japanese Meiji Bronze Articulated CrabEast Asia, Japan, Meiji period, 1868 to 1912. A bronze articulated model of a crab. Meticulously constructed from numerous hammered plates jointed inside the body to make for a flexible form, the crusSee Sold Price
SoldTHE KIBUNDŌ COMPANY An Iron Tetsubin (Tea Kettle) Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926) e...THE KIBUNDŌ COMPANY An Iron Tetsubin (Tea Kettle) Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926) era, late 19th/early 20th century The body of the kettle with surface texture like that of tangerine skinSee Sold Price
SoldKOSEI A Bronze Okimono (Table Ornament) of Three Turtles Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926)...KOSEI A Bronze Okimono (Table Ornament) of Three Turtles Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho (1912-1926) era, late 19th/early 20th century Naturalistically cast, showing two smaller turtles attempting to climSee Sold Price
SoldROKUZAN (ACTIVE LATE 19TH CENTURY) A Large Satsuma Jardinière Meiji era (1868-1912), late 1...ROKUZAN (ACTIVE LATE 19TH CENTURY) A Large Satsuma Jardinière Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century The jardinière and matching stand of earthenware molded on the surface with koi fish inSee Sold Price
SoldNAMIKAWA SŌSUKE (1847-1910) A Small Cloisonné-Enamel Rounded Rectangular Tray Meiji er...NAMIKAWA SŌSUKE (1847-1910) A Small Cloisonné-Enamel Rounded Rectangular Tray Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century Decorated with an egret standing in a misty marsh among irises beneathSee Sold Price
SoldTwo gold ojime One by Katsuhira and one by Kiyotoshi,Two gold ojime One by Katsuhira and one by Kiyotoshi, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The first Daikoku, standing, brandishing his mallet, signed Katsuhira, 1.7cm (11/16in) high; tSee Sold Price
SoldA gold ojime of a Karako (Chinese boy) By Masatoshi,A gold ojime of a Karako (Chinese boy) By Masatoshi, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The karako standing with a serene expression, holding a minogame (bushy-tailed turtle); signedSee Sold Price
SoldTwo gold ojime One by Katsuo and one by Shuraku, MeijiTwo gold ojime One by Katsuo and one by Shuraku, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The first Daikoku, standing, brandishing his mallet, signed Katsuo, 2.2cm (7/8in) high; the secondSee Sold Price
SoldA SATSUMA BOWL By Kozan, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th centuryA SATSUMA BOWL By Kozan, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century The high sided bowl raised on a narrow slightly splayed foot, finely painted in enamels and gilt to the interior with a mulSee Sold Price
SoldHARUO (ACTIVE LATE 19TH CENTURY) A Silver and Enamel Incense Burner Meiji era (1868-1912), late ...HARUO (ACTIVE LATE 19TH CENTURY) A Silver and Enamel Incense Burner Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century The compressed ovoid body set on tripod feet and decorated in high relief with translucentSee Sold Price
SoldDOZAN OF KYOTO A Satsuma-Ware Baluster Vase Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century (2)DOZAN OF KYOTO A Satsuma-Ware Baluster Vase Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century Decorated in enamels and gilt, the body with two large lobed panels, one enclosing a probable Chinese leSee Sold Price
SoldKINZAN COMPANY A Cloisonné-Enamel Rounded Square Tray Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/earl...KINZAN COMPANY A Cloisonné-Enamel Rounded Square Tray Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century Conceived in the manner of Namikawa Sosuke, worked in copper wire with a cockerel, hen, aSee Sold Price
SoldKAWANABE KYŌSAI (1831-1889) Three Shōjō Drinking Sake Edo period (1615-1868) or M...KAWANABE KYŌSAI (1831-1889) Three Shōjō Drinking Sake Edo period (1615-1868) or Meiji era (1868-1912), 19th century A painting mounted as a hanging scroll in ink, color, and gold on silSee Sold Price
Japanese Ceramic Satsuma Box and Lid with Samurai SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(184)£180Mar 07, 2025
Japan 1870 Meiji Period Round Five Drawer Inro In Lacquered Wood With Flying CranesPlatinum Auction Group4.4(55)$2757 days Left
An Unusual Japanese Gilt Bronze Censer on Carved Wood StandLeland Little4.5(697)$300(4 bids)2 days Left
A Japanese Shibayama and Silver Filigree Dish Signed HideakiLeland Little4.5(697)$475(9 bids)2 days Left
Attributed to the Nagoya Hayashi Kodenji Studio, A Japanese Cloisonne Enamel VaseLeland Little4.5(697)$200(5 bids)2 days Left
A Kinkozan Satsuma Covered Box, Japanese, Meiji Period, Signed Kinkozan Zo - Meiji Period, ca. 1868Bill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Fine Meiji Period Satsuma Dish, Japanese - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. A fine SatsumaBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Kinkozan Satsuma Vase, Japanese, Meiji Period - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. A fineBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Fine Japanese Satsuma Vase, Meiji Period, Ryozan Signed - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. ABill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Meiji Period Japanese Satsuma Vase, Roosters - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. An ovoid formBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Japanese Satsuma Six-Sided Censer - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. A Satsuma potteryBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500(1 bid)Feb 25, 2025
Pair Meiji Period Satsuma Miniature Vases - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912. A pair ofBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025
A Kinkozan Meiji Period Satsuma Vase - Japan, Meiji Period, ca. 1868 - 1912.A Satsuma potteryBill Hood & Sons Art & Antique Auctions4.6(678)$500Feb 25, 2025